This is the PC-Guru’s Great Dane

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  • This is the PC-Guru’s Great Dane

Home of Fawn, Brindle & Black Great Danes

HOW Did you find my website? Did you find the pages organized? Are they easy to navigate with the cascading menu bar or the Text links in the Footer of every page? Are these pages eye appealing matching colors of pups with text and links that work? Do you find the content interesting? Would you like a website to look professional and have a friendly feel about it? Do you want me to design your website for you? If you prefer I can refer the task to an other professional… Would you like me to do your E-Marketing campaign? I am #1 in the USA for “Fawn and Brindle Great Danes” according to Google search engine!

I have no desire to steal your ideas, customers, work, or anything else as I am quite content in my life! Your secrets and thoughts are safe with me! I am a well grounded spiritual person that has tremendous insight into numerous adventures that would assist us in creating the website you need. I also have no problem admitting when someone else has better tools or techniques to get a job done. I have numerous associates that are also always standing by willing to assist as needed.

Please contact me if you have the desire to improve your life. You make contact me with a phone call or e-mail. Thank you for your interest in this website and myself. Remember that while most puppies are cute, not all breeders are the same!

I am a Disabled Veteran that spends most of my time on my property taking care of the animals and doing computer chores. As a result, I am here close to 24/7 to encourage proper behavior and discourage incorrect behavior in my beloved Great Danes. I often am designing enhancements for my property, and website and within the animals I breed! I have a drive within me to always make improvements in my surroundings, my associates and the community in whole.

If I determine you have a need to know more than what is already listed within these pages; I will share any additional information to help you understand why I am awesome for certain specific activities. I have so many degrees, diplomas, multiple Honorable Discharges, awards and accolades; while very proud of them, I chose not to post them on the Internet in part due to possible Identity Theft! Should you be so foolishly inclined to attempt such actions, be advised you are free to accept all my indebtedness! Another happy thought for you to consider is that as you choose not to behave within the limits of the law, what I will do to you will not necessarily be within the law as I hunt you down!

I hope you have a Great Dane Day! J

Photos of the Philippine Adventures of 2010 March…
We hope you find our lives are as colorful as you would imagine of the “Puppy Master”! The following photos are just a slice in time as are the photos through-out this website. Our babies – you seek for your new family members are made of the “Right Stuff”! Please see for yourself why few compare as noted on the Testimonials‘ page. If you cannot believe how folks feel our babies are so awesome, I challenge you to investigate the “Clients’ Photos‘ page to see for yourself! Find us on Facebook as “GreatDanes4U”.

Thanks for looking – Have a Great Dane Day!!!