Home of Fawn, Brindle & Black Great Danes
GreatDanes4U Testimonials:
1) Most of the following testimonials are not edited other than phone numbers, names, email addresses and spacing to shorten the space on this page. * I am sure you would want your personal information scrubbed from comments for postings!
2) Please enjoy what people have to say about my babies! Sorry, no space for all the GREAT pictures of my babies in their new homes with their families on this page! I do have the photos on the Clients’ Photos’ Page! *unless asked not to post specific photos!
3) Also I do try to keep this page in reverse chronological order except when people send in newer comments and then I try to pair the newer comments up with previous emails from the same clients to make easier reading and to establish the relationship of the previous comments.
Hello, I’m Tony XXXX and I am from Winona Lake Indiana and 5 1/2 years ago I traveled to Pleasant Hope Missouri and bought a black male Dane from you. We named him St. Louis and we loved him so dearly until we had to send him to heaven in April due to an aggressive tumor in his bone. We miss him so greatly but loved every moment we shared with him. His parents were Daphne and Romeo and his litter# was WS367763 born on 1/29/11. We currently have an Airedale and a deaf Dane we rescued not long after we got St. Louis from you. I check your site now and then just trying to decide if we’re ready for another Dane. We take our dogs camping in our fifth wheel every time we get the chance and they love it but transporting large dogs can be daunting. So I’ve decided that because I love the Great Dane so much that a female is a good option for us. With all this said, I see on ur site u currently have a female available. Can you tell me if she is available, have any others not listed and more about her and her disposition. I don’t typically seek out older puppies because I try to get them at 8 weeks but I’m curious. I know when we bought St. Louis you said you give a lesser price to repeat customers and so just wondering if that’s still the case. Thank you and I look forward to your reply. Have a Great Dane day:) tkinXXXX@hotmail.com Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 1:34 PM
Hi, I don’t know if you remember me, but 8 years ago I made a wonderful decision to buy my best friend Sampson from you. I am writing to let you know that Sampson went on the Rainbow Bridge a few weeks ago with my daughter and I holding him and loving him until he was gone. He had Pancreatic Cancer. I miss him so bad it Hurts! He was my constant companion and friend and I loved him more than I have ever loved a dog before. I wanted to thank you for letting me get him and allowing me to spend 8 wonderful and fun loving years with my sweet beautiful boy! I am attaching a few pictures of Sampson through the years. rtrueXXX@gmail.com Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 4:29 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
It is with greatest of joy and pride that I write to you. I know it has been awhile, but a lot has happened. Sampson is and has been the greatest joy. He is now 7 months old and weights 95 lbs. He just got his stitches removed from the stomach tack and neutering. He is doing GREAT!! The vet had nothing but praise for him. He now eats 8 cups of hard food and 2 cans of soft a day. He his daddy’s BIG eater!!! π I have given your pens and website to everyone who asks!. Also, we entered the Dogs in disguise Halloween contest and won 1st!!! I am enclosing some pictures from it of both him and my mini Dachsie who is the boss!! She loves him so much and they are great companions for each other. Roger, thank you soooo much for my beautiful, gentle , loving boy. Rusty TrueXXXX (rtrueXXXXX@verizon.net ) Fri 11/14/08 10:38 AM Dallas, Texas *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Subject: Sampson
Dear Roger and Family, I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on our Sampson. We just returned from his final booster shots as a puppy!! YEA!! His is doing GREAT!!! The Vet is extremely pleased with his progress as are we. We could not have picked a better breeder, you guys are awesome!!! Sampson is gaining 4 to 5 lbs per week and at 18 weeks he is 62.8 lbs! π My big BOY!!! He sits, shakes and is leash trained. We go everywhere, including Home Depot, Lowes, Petsmart and Petco. The vet originally said he would weight 130 to 150 grown. After today, he is changing his mind, hahahaha. He now says Sampson will surpass 150 easily. I am getting some more pics and will send them as soon as possible. Again thank you for our new addition and for all you do for this breed. Rusty TrueXXX (rtrueXXXX@verizon.net) Sat, 23 Aug 2008 Dallas, Texas *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Roger, Sorry it has taken so long to write you. I wanted to write and give you an update on Sampson. This Saturday will be 3 weeks since we picked him up and we could not be happier with our puppy choice or the breeder choice!!!! His vet visit went great and the vet was very pleased with his health and everything about him. They gave him the shoots he needed and and then we started on Frontline and Heartguard. We have only had 2 accidents in the house which is so FANTASTIC!!! He is eating good and is a great new addition to our family. He is already leash trained and fetches. We are working on sitting now!!! He is definitely Daddy’s boy!!!! Thank you sooooo much for all you do and have done for this breed and my puppy!!! He is playing well with our miniature Dachshund, she has taken charge of this with him!!! π Here some a photos of him. Also, I am posting photos on my MySpace account. Rusty TrueXXX (rtrueXXXX@verizon.net) Wed 7/16/08 10:06 AM Dallas, Texas
Some years ago my wife and I chose Great Danes 4 U to buy a puppy. We visited twice and picked a wonderful dirty faced boy, who became a very loved member of our family. Murdoch (Doc) was by my side day and night for 9 years. He was a wonderful friend. I thought I would send you a few pictures for your wall. Jake alabamarebelXXX@gmail.com Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 10:22 AM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Murdoch, was his name, and in the future we shall be in contact ,we are in the middle of a complete move, home, jobs etc so wouldn’t be a good time right now for a new puppy, but it is in the plan when we get settled. If you ever get a chance give me a call, and I shall give you a wonderful story about some of your puppies. Jake alabamarebelXXX@gmail.com Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 2:25 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, Jaxson had his second vet appointment. He was 26lb’s at his first. He is now 41lbs at 15 weeks. Here are a few pictures. Ron rcXXX@tinXXX.com Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 8:07 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger! I hope all has been well. I have been meaning to send you an update for what seems like forever now. So much has changed so I will try to sum things up fairly quickly. HOLT is now 7.5 years old! Holy cow…makes me want to bawl my eyes out. He is still all puppy though and pretty much the energizer bunny:) He had a check up not too long ago and although he is getting age spots and skin tags they say he is doing great. He’s seriously heaven sent.
Zach and I separated a little over a year ago and I bought my own home about 20 minutes away. HOLT of course came with me and has adjusted well. I took the first couple of months to let him get used to the new place. He was never there alone. When I had to leave for work I loaded him up and took him to his old home so he could stay there until I was off work then I picked him up and took him back to the new home with me…every s.i.n.g.l.e. day.
I think he really likes it where we are now and that makes me happy. He once again saved me from so much sadness. I cant help but look at him and get choked up…he’s my best friend, hands and paws down.
One morning as I was getting ready for work (it was around 4am) I was in the bathroom and saw the kitchen light go out. I about peed my pants right there but looked out into the kitchen to see what happened. As I turned the corner I saw Holt standing by the light switch and just felt that he had turned it out. I asked him if he did it and then continued to ask him to do it again. Well, holy crap….he goes and turns the light out again! I had to run and grab my phone so I could get it on video. HOLT did it so many times in a row and I never taught him how to! I think we were both equally excited, haha. Well, I was excited until I realized I now had no control over my electric bill, lol. He can throw strobe light parties any time he wants. I will have to upload the video and send it to ya soon.
Anyway, I really do hope things are going great for you and all those fur babies. I can’t write you and not send you some updated pics of my love so I hope ya enjoy seeing his smiling face as much as I do. Thank you for giving me the best baby boy in the world.
Holly ZiXXXX hllXXXX@yahoo.com May 5 2016 EAST PEORIA, IL *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi There π Soooo, I wanted to send you some updated pics on my baby boy HOLT π I went through the last year of pics and I have hundreds so it was really hard to just find a handful, lol. His 3rd birthday was this past November on the 2nd. We woke up (he sleeps in our bed, in between us, under the covers haha) and since we both had to work I made HOLT a nice big egg and toast breakfast with puppy treats on the side before leaving. Later that night HOLT got to go to the local ice cream shack and have a doggy sundae. Anyways, here are a few (like 20…I told you it was hard to pick;) newer pics. Thank you so much for such an A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. fur baby. I cant wait to get him a precious little female black Dane soon π YOU’RE THE BEST! Holly Ziegel hllyrynr@yahoo.com Sent: Wed 12/07/11 1:00 PM EAST PEORIA, IL *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Re: Dog food vs Puppy food – how to switch…β
Hey Roger! Thanks so much for your help. I wrote your vet and thanked her also. As for Holt…he just ate a few cups of doggy food with nothing on it. I’m almost positive it was just my evil doings of mixing his food with my food (spaghetti sauce, potatoes, unseasoned meats, green peppers, eggs, etc.) and he just started expecting that rather than JUST dog food. Its been about a week of him only eating maybe a cup per day until now so hopefully I can get him back on the right track. I did read that it was good to give the doggy some vegetables, meat, and potatoes….maybe I went about it the wrong way??? I’m not sure…maybe I cant do it EVERYDAY??? He’s just so stinkin’ cute and I want him to be a happy boy. Anyways, thank you again. Its so nice having Holt for as long as we have and still having a breeder that cares enough to help you out and keep his original baby (mine now…hehehe) in good health. You rock! HOLLY ZIEXXXX EAST PEORIA, IL 61611 hllyXXXX@yahoo.com Sent: Tue 3/09/10 8:50 AM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
HOLLY ZIEXXXX hllyXXXX@yahoo.com Fri 12/18/09 9:47 AM EAST PEORIA, IL *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
HOLLY ZIEXXXXXX hllyXXXXX@yahoo.com Tue 5/05/09 2:31 PM EAST PEORIA, IL *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hello Roger, just wanted to let you know that Mozart passed on Jan.29, 2016. He gave us 10 wonderful years. He will always be one of the most precious Danes anyone can wish for.
I (we) miss him so very much. I’m just glad to have Johann, now 3 and 1/2 to lean on.
I hope you and the family are doing great. Greetings from Jasmin. Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 6:57 PM jasminjeXXXX@yahoo.com *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Jasmin JeXXXX Oct 13
Roger, We are celebrating Mozart’s 10th Birthday today! I’m very happy. Johann turned 3 years old last month. Thought I might share this with you, since they are such wonderful Danes. Thanks, Jasmin. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hello Roger, thanks for the B-Day wishes. I don’t think you remember what the deal was on Mozart. When we first saw him as a 8 week old pup he wasn’t for sale, because you wanted to keep him as a stud and the next time we came back to pick a pup from another litter he was 4 month old, but had Entropion and you asked, if we are interested and of course we took him that day for a reduced price. A week later Mozart had eye-surgery and everything was fine. Yes, 10 does show on his overall health. He has been on heart-meds for almost 2 years now and has difficulties walking, getting up etc. Supplement with Duralactin and only the best in their diet. What can I say, he has become an old cranky man (dane). Got to love Mozart. I can’t believe how different Mozart and Johann are in their personality. Whereas Mozart is a luvbug, Johann is the exact opposite, what I actually like. And again I’m very happy to have them in my life! Say Hi! to the family, Jasmin. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, this photo was just taken, thought you might like to see my beautiful boys. Jasmin. jasminjeXXXX@yahoo.com Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2013 6:07 PM Fort Leonard Wood, MO.
Hi Roger, Johann is a happy little guy and weighs now 29 pounds @ 10-wks. Thought I send you a quick mail. Took him only a day to feel right at home. Hope this finds you all well, Jasmin. jenXXXXg@cablemo.net Sent: Thurs 11/28/12 7:02 AM Fort Leonard Wood, MO.
&&&&& Mozart’s Testimonials’ &&&&
Roger, I met your sister at Cross Creek Animal Hospital in Waynesville at a Halloween party last Saturday and when she saw Mozart she thought he is quite big. It was funny, because she didn’t know Mozart was one of yours. When she told me about her brother ‘You’, who raises Great Danes in Springfield, I told her guess what, Mozart is one of Roger’s puppies. Isn’t that a small world, now I got to meet your sister and her Airdales. Mozart sure is a big hit with everyone. He is scheduled for Friday for a teeth cleaning. Well, bye for now. Jasmin. JenXXXX jasminjenXXX@yahoo.com Sent: Wed 11/03/10 8:50 AM Fort Leonard Wood, MO. *(See Clients’ Photos & Danes in the Park Page)
Roger, I met your sister at Cross Creek Animal Hospital in Waynesville at a Halloween party last Saturday and when she saw Mozart she thought he is quite big. It was funny, because she didn’t know Mozart was one of yours. When she told me about her brother ‘You’, who raises Great Danes in Springfield, I told her guess what, Mozart is one of Roger’s puppies. Isn’t that a small world, now I got to meet your sister and her Airdales. Mozart sure is a big hit with everyone. He is scheduled for Friday for a teeth cleaning. Well, bye for now. Jasmin. JenXXXX jasminjenXXX@yahoo.com Sent: Wed 11/03/10 8:50 AM Fort Leonard Wood, MO. *(See Clients’ Photos & Danes in the Park Page)
Hello Roger, how is everyone? I’m pretty much on my own, still living in the same house with Mozart, who has not slowed down. My son is still living with me, I guess it makes sense when you are student and money is tight.
If it wouldn’t be for Mozart, I would be very lonely, but how much better can it get when you share a home with a constant companion who adores me and it might sound crazy, but I do judge people by the way they treat animals.
I have noticed that Tiger is for sale. Are you going to retire him? I think he is a bit older than Mozart and I always had a soft spot for Tiger. You came for a visit with Tiger once I think he was about two. He made such an impression on me.
Maybe sometime I could come for a visit and maybe bring Mozart as a passenger or maybe I could give you a call sometime?
Hope this finds you well and keep in touch. Take care, Take care, Jasmin and Mozart. Jasmin JenXXX jasminjenXXX@yahoo.com Sent: Sun 9/26/10 5:57 PM Fort Leonard Wood, MO. *(See Clients’ Photos & Danes in the Park Page)
Hello Roger and family, just visited your website what I do once in a while. Tiger as handsome as always!
Mozart will turn 5 next month. Where did the time go? Went with him to Run for the Paws from the PCHS in Waynesville. There are actually pictures from 2009 Run from us on the PCHS website. You know, if I would get paid for Mozart popularity, I actually could make some money. I’m thankful to share my life with such a wonderful dog. People refer to me as the woman who walks the Great Dane. Just wanted to say Hi! Maybe some day I will come and visit you. Hope this finds you all well. Take care, Jasmin and Mozart. Jasmin JenXXX jasminjenXXX@yahoo.com Sent: Sat 9/25/10 2:27 PM Fort Leonard Wood, MO.
*(See Clients’ Photos & Danes in the Park Page)
St. Patrick’s Parade in Rollaβ
Hallo Roger, Mozart and I walked with the “canine-connections” in the 100th St. Patrick parade in Rolla this morning. It was wonderful. Roger, you would not believe how wonderful Mozart did. He was the talk of the town. I’m looking into, if I can’t get him service-dog qualified. Did you know, there is a Great Dane meet-up in Springfield? I’ve joined this group. They do have an upcoming meeting in April. Just an update what is going on at this end. Keep in touch, Jasmin and Mozart. Jasmin JenXXX jasminjenXXX@yahoo.com Sent: Sat 3/15/08 5:59 PM *(See Clients’ Photos & Danes in the Park Page)
Mozart makes our fa
Mozart makes our family almost complete After Margaret, our 10 year old fawn passed in 2005, we got Mozart in 2006 as a 4 month old fawn male from Roger White in Springfield, Mo. We took him to puppy class. He did exceptionally well. He is 8 months old right now and bigger than some of the 10 month old harlequins we’ve met. Mozart is the center of attention wherever we go and he gets along with all kinds of species, human and animal alike. Inside the home he is the perfect alarm system. He is such a good soul, couldn’t have asked for a better Dane. I’m looking forward to adding another one of Roger’s Danes to our Family, hopefully sooner than later. Jasmin and Mozart. Jasmin JenXXX jasminjenXXX@yahoo.com Ft. L Wood, MO. June 19, 2006 *(See Clients’ Photos & Danes in the Park Page)
Jasmine returned just after New Year’s Day in 2007 & got a Brindle female to go with Mozart! Emily is one of the pups that did get returned to me in this case their was family issues that were too much for Jasmine to tolerate with a 2nd pup. Emily was sold to a single Lady in Memphis that claimed she was the star of attention on the nearby kid’s playground. Emily was full of energy and I am sure will keep that that lady’s hands busy! *(See Clients’ Photos & Danes in the Park Page)
date: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 9:05 PM
subject: Madden
Good Evening Roger and Family, Madden has taken to our family quite well and loves being with us. He is housebroken for the most part and tests out patients as he likes to chew on certain items even though he has his own toys to play with. His stitches came out and he is healing very well. Eating and drinking like a champ and needing lots of naps. I have included some pictures of him for you as you can tell he is not suppose to be on the
furniture but will whine until he can be right next to someone. Brenda WarreXXXX bwarreXXXX@gmail.com Madison, WI. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
<<3rd pup & waiting for 4th pup from me>>
Tell RJ that Madden is doing well he did get car sick but that’s okay. He is already doing well no accidents in the house and as you can see by the pictures he will never be lonely. Thanks for taking such good care of him till we could bring him home. We love him greatly and couldn’t imagine life with out him.
12:22 PM Oct 13, 2014 Madison, WI. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
From: Lester and Brenda XXXXXXXX (tbear2@XXXXXXX.net)
Sent: Fri 12/07/07 6:56 PM
Roger, Always looking at your web site to see your new additions not that I have any room for anymore but I just like to look. Mater and Mugz are doing great they weigh about 130 lbs each and are the height of your Danes already and still growing. They take turns one will fill out nicely and then all of a sudden he will shoot up and then looks really skinny again. They are so funny to watch they love each other so much and they are very slobby when they drink and they each take turns cleaning the drool from there mouths. Mugz likes to pet you like you are the dog and he seems to be very shy he doesn’t like loud noises he runs and hides behind you like you should protect him and there’s Mater that has to investigate everything. They are the loves of my life and I don’t think that I could live without them.
The little one that you have as a Christmas special did someone buy him and then return him to you? Wish I had room I’d add him but our city has a dog law of only 2 dogs per household. He looks really cute and reminds me of Mater a great deal.
Well as soon as I get the picture with the kids and the dogs done I will send you a copy. Have a wonderful Christmas if I don’t talk to you before then.
How is Cleo doing? Mater and Mugz would like to know. Brenda XXXXXXXXX Mother of 2 big babies. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Subject: Mater & Mugz Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 18:23:57 -0500 Dear Roger and Wife, Just thought that I would share a few photos of my great happy and healthy puppies that we received from you. Mater is finally settling down and Mugz is mommies baby when I come home from work and don’t pay attention to him right away he grabs hold of my skirt and pulls it to let me know that he’s here. They are the love of my life and couldn’t imagine life with out either of them. The kids love them to death too. I wish that we lived out of the city so we could have more dogs I would love to buy more because I know that we would be getting the best dogs possible. I will keep you up on everything and as soon as I get vet paperwork I will forward it to you. Have a great day. The Warrenburg Family (*2 of my babies in Wisconsin) *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
He has turned out so beautiful! Thank y’all for raising such great puppies! Your lucky number 7, from Mississippi!
Thanks, Heather MississippXXXX <MississiXXXX@yahoo.com> Jun 30 *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Just saying Hi From Mississippi
Hi Roger, Its Heather from Ms, I just wanted to say hi and tell you Odin is doing great. We went for his 12 wk vet visit and everything was good. He’s growing like a weed. He’s already up to 34 lbs and rising!!! I got some pics I hope to send you soon. Hope everything is going great with ya’ll. Talk to you soon, Heather, Charlie, & Odin heatherXXXXXXX@yahoo.com Tue 4/15/08 8:52 PM
Hi Roger,
Its Heather from Ms, just wanted to drop in and say HI and Thank You again for such a precious puppy. He is adjusting well, and you will be happy to know we have decided against cropping his ears after seeing your dogs. We are enjoying Odin very much. Attached are his health papers. Thank You talk to you later, Heather Mississippi Tue 3/11/08 8:07 PM
C Thompson <thompsoXXXX@yahoo.com> Jun 19 Hi Roger:
Gus just had his annual check up & is still perfect & healthy at 7 years old. He weighed in at 190! He really is a giant. It’s funny to think he weighed 21 lbs in jan 2007. Gus will be 8 on 11/25/15. He’s still quite active for an old man & still runs around with the kids. No issues with hips or heart, so you can add his name as a”shining example” of hips & heart certified. He’s never had any health issues & is still the sweetest dog. He’s great with kids & adults that he knows. Gus is funny w adults he doesn’t know, and until he can get a read on them, he positions himself between me & them. He’s never been aggressive, but I know if I were afraid he would protect me with his life. Gus gets jealous when the kids hug me and does this funny little whine barky thing that makes everyone laugh. He’s also very sensitive. If anyone cries, he rushes to them & puts his big head on them to comfort them. Gus is a mothers dream now that we have 2 teenage girls. Lol. Thank you for giving me my best friend. Caroline ThoXXXXX *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, You’re a smart man! I will call Lesley as soon as I know our girls are sitting out of ear shot in their classroom at school. I’m so excited over this puppy too! Lesley & I have been making lots of plans – looking at crates, beds etc. Yep, Gus’ cousin will be yet another of your pampered Danes! I have to admit, that I go look at his pic pretty much every day. I’m in love too. What are your Danes currently eating? Want to make sure she brings whatever he’s already eating with her when she comes to get him = food change poops on the car ride would be one smelly ride home! haha π Thank you so much for letting us know! I can’t wait to love on him at Christmas! cya! Caroline From: Caroline ThomXXXX, thomXXXXXX@yahoo.com Collierville, TN. *(See Clients’ Photos Page). Sent: Wed 11/03/10 4:18 AM
……..Reply from GreatDanes4U………
On Nov 2, 2010, at 5:07 PM, The Puppy Master wrote: Hi Caroline, Since your neighbor, Lesley is getting a Christmas present for her daughter, (your daughter’s buddy), I cannot call her house to let her know deposit arrived. Could please let Lesley know all is well and can see the “Current Puppies” page for confirmation if she needs. I do not want to email her for fear of her daughter finding out. If you call her, remember your daughter has ears!!! CYa-Roger PS Pup is big and puffy!!! π *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
puppy puppy my friend wants a puppyβ
Hi Roger, Here is a pic of Sarah Grace with Gus the beautiful. He’s a giant, and so so sweet! I couldn’t have gotten a better dog. He’s amazing & definitely the son of Jumpy Lumpy. Sometimes I think I should have named him Tigger. He’s the bounciest Dane I’ve ever known, but he’s so gentle & good natured. He loves the kids! My friend Lesley ParXXX is looking at your newest babies – Black Noser & Romeo’s litter. I told her that #1 male looks just like Gus did at that age, uh & told her she was nuts if she didn’t pay you asap for him π Her daughter is Sarah Grace’s best friend – so it’s going to be a blast having Gus & the new baby playing together. Thank you Roger for giving my big beautiful Gus such a happy & loving 1st home – it made all the difference in the world when he came home with us, as our 4th child haha. Caroline ThomXXXX, thomXXXXXX@yahoo.com Collierville, TN. *(See Clients’ Photos Page). Sent: Thu 10/28/10 2:21 PM
Hey Roger, We are approaching Gus’ first Birthday. He’s an absolute maniac, and so much fun. My past Danes were not jumpers, but true to his mother-Jumpy Lumpy, we have Jumpy Gussy. He’s like Tigger-bouncing around w/ his tongue hanging out and a big Great Dane smile on his face. One of his favorite things to do is chase the water when I’m TRYING to water the flowers. I have actually pointed the water up high in the air & made an arc w/ it, just to watch Gus jump up SIX FEET into the air to catch a bite of water. He is the funniest dog! I have to say, that the way you hand raised him has made all the difference in this dog. My last Dane, I trained specifically to guard me, and he was very protective and an excellent guard. I decided, since now I have 3 kids, that Gus should just be a family dog – and is he ever! He loves our kids & is excellent w/ them. Wherever we go, Gus goes. He loves all the neighbors, runs around our cove just as goofy as can be, looking for his next victim to lick! He likes the cats, he likes other dogs with the exception of “Teddy” the little turd – I mean lapsa that lives behind us. All that dog does is bark – non stop, so Gus rushes the fence & his deep bark sends Teddy away from our fence. I tell him now, “Gus, go tell Teddy to be quiet” and he does. Gus really is a gentle giant. He has no idea how big he is and knocks the kids down sometimes – but the look on his face is so funny when he knocks one of them down. It’s like he’s thinking “wonder why that kid is on the ground “His companion is a beagle named Jack. Jack was pretty pissed at first, but as Gus grew, Jack decided to be his buddy. DUH! Those two look just like the cartoon dogs – where the little dog keeps running under the big dog & Gus is trying to look under himself to see Jack. FUNNY! Here’s some good advice: Don’t leave home thinking that the 6 month old Dane is outside and forget to close the doggy door. Gus ate the couch & two chairs in the 3 hours I was gone. I came home & our den was knee deep in couch foam. Gus had no idea he’d done anything wrong & greeted me w/ a piece of the arm off the couch ready to play tug-o-war. OH MY! I needed a new couch anyway & he just escalated the inevitable. I found his bone down in the couch later – guess that’s what started the party! Other than that, he’s never chewed up anything! HA!! Hey, when he does something, he REALLY does it! He’s a healthy, loving & sweet dog. So willing to please, and just wants to be near me. I adore him, and when I’m ready for another Dane, you can be sure I will come back to you! Caroline ThomXXXX, thomXXXXXX@yahoo.com Fri 11/14/08 6:27 AM Collierville, TN. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hey Roger, Sorry I didn’t return your phone call. I’ve been down w/ some kind of fever/cold bug, but I’ve decided to join the land of the living today. Gus was an excellent “nurse” he slept by me on the couch & think he would have gone to get me a drink if he was only tall enough to reach the handle on the refrige. So eager to please! He is SUCH a good dog! He has already mastered the “off” command & now we’re working on “no”. Gus follows me around everywhere & loves to sleep on my lap. It took me 2 days to crate train him, now, Gus just goes into his “house” (crate) whenever he wants some alone time. (away from the non stop playing Beagle) He’s a good little member of our family & has very good manners in the house! He already goes to the door when he needs to potty, of course if you don’t notice it right away, he forgets why he went there & is off to find something new to play with & leaving me a little present by the door. Gus has plenty of toys, so he hasn’t chewed up anything – yet! He is the sweetest, cuddliest, little kissy boy ever! He is excellent w/ the kids & loves playing tug of war w/ them w/ his big rag bone. Gus is growing like a weed. I expect by next week he will have outgrown his baby collar you gave him. I think it’s so funny how people always say “Wow, look at his feet, he’s going to be a big dog” I have a plaster of paris mold of my last Dane’s paw, Gussy’s little baby foot fits just inside Wil’s paw pad! I just smile & think to myself…. YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET!!! I can’t thank you enough for the wonderful loving home you gave Gus before we got him. It has made all the difference in the world! Caroline XXXXXXX thompXXXX@yahoo.com Sat 1/05/08 10:25 PM Collierville, TN. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
ook Roger the naughty puppy we got from you has destroyed our trampoline and now thinks he can jump on it.
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Ralph XXXX, Jim XXX, Kim XXXX and 2 others like this.
Brenda WarrXXXX Roger he decided to try and jump through a window tonight. He is fine but lots of glass to clean up. He is one naughty puppy.
Kristin XXX Puppy mischief is only temporary lol
Ralph MeXXX He might even wear down eventually.
Brenda WarreXXXXThis is our 4th Great Dane and this is our 3rd from Roger they are puppies till 2 and still will have some bad behaviors. He is by far our worst one and testing ever nerve and patience everyone in the house has. But we love him all the same.
Roger XXX Brenda WarreXXXI got a 1 yr old male Brindle back from VA. Yes they drove him to return him as he is NOT Fixed and therefore overly protective. He is adjusting well and I might use him as a breeder until I can re-home him. I don’t feel he would b…See More
Kristin XXX Hahaha I have one of Rogers fur babies too and I know how you feel. My guy was a handful til 2 and a half but so worth it. He brings so much laughter and happiness into my life
Brenda WarrenXXX Roger I would love to see a picture. Our beloved Mugz was like that. He would nip at people when they would leave. Madden will get fixed in about a month and a half hopefully that will slow him down. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
From Kristin’s Face book posting to me:
I wanted to take a moment to mention this special day to my big man Bowza. Happy 5th Birthday Thank you for always showing me unconditional love and acceptance and being the true meaning of what a loyal friend is. I could not ask for a better big brother to Booma and Bandit or better friend. You will always be my baby boy. Mama loves you Booze. Always. Thank you, Roger for sending me a true guardian Angel to be by my side.
Kristin CaXXXX
Hard to believe it’s been four years since you came into my life. You were the greatest Valentines day gift ever. I love you my big sweet boy. – Bowza
&… And thank you Roger for sending me a true Angel and my best friend! F-B Post 2/16/2014 11:13 AM *(See Clients’ Photos Page)
Hey Roger! Its Kristin from Salem, MA. Long time no talk! π Its been a crazy past few months but I just wanted to drop you a line with some info and new pics of Bowza:) He just had his first birthday in December, and he’s one of Daphne and Romeos boys! Quite a bit has happened since we last spoke, its just me and the boys now – no more Chris but we’re all doing fantastic! Bowza is now a year and 2 months old and is weighing in at 154 pounds! He loves sleeping with his 2 feline brothers! Once again I have to thank you for such an amazing pup. He makes me smile every day and has gotten me through so much this past year alone. Every where he goes he turns heads and brings amazement to everyone he meets. We’re still considering adding another brother to the family so fingers crossed! I hope all is well with you and your wonderful family, both 2 legged and 4! π Best wishes – Kristin, Bowza, Halo and Coal from Salem, MA Sent: Thu 2/24/11 11:27 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page)
Happy belated 4th Roger! Hey there! It’s Chris and Kristin just checking in with you and giving you an update on how Bowza is doing :o) He had a wonderful 4th of July and we all hope you and the family had a great holiday as well. He’s coming up on about 7 months old. How time has passed! Bowza is fantastic! He is growing perfectly and did great during his neuter! He is now 78 pounds and rules the day camp at Kristin’s work. EVERYWHERE we go people stop us to pat him and talk to him and comment on how beautiful he is. Kristin has been passing your cards out left and right so expect some more inquiries! :o) Kristin is going to attach some new photos of our boy and we also wanted to let you know that we are interested in another pup from you, we just have to work the details out with our land lord so we will be checking back frequently once pics of the new babies are up. Give Daphne and Romeo a big hug for us!!! Thanks again Roger so much for our big baby Bowza. We love him SO much. He makes us laugh and smile every day. We are so blessed to have him. Take care and talk to you very soon!!! Chris and Kristin and Bowza and Halo From: righteousdXXXX@aol.com Sent: Fri 7/09/10 8:14 AM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hey Roger! Kristin and I just wanted to shoot you an email and let you know how the little man is doing! We named him “Bowza” and he was weighed yesterday at 10 weeks and came in at 23.5 pounds! Our vet is very impressed by Bowza and how great he looks and he is doing wonderfully. He is happy and healthy! Bowza had his first training class on Sunday as well and even the trainer says he is one smart pup :o) Everyone in town stops us when we go for our walks with him to comment on how beautiful he is. Kristin is going to attach some photos of him for you (and of Bowza’s “big brother” – our 2 year old cat Halo who adores his new brother) We will be sending more to you as he grows up. We are SO in love with our baby – thank you again for giving us such a healthy and loving little bundle of joy! We will be in touch! Thanks again Roger! Kristin and Chris of Salem, MA. From: Chris AmXXXX cjamXXXX11@yahoo.com Sent: Mon 3/01/10 6:16 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hello Roger, Thank you for contacting me. It is hard to believe Samson has been gone since June 26th. He still behaved like a puppy at 7 years and we remained very active with his friends. The Vet had Just given him his annual examination in April and stated that his heart and body were very strong. When he ate dirt to defy me, he threw his head back and then Ran from me. I think he aspirated β this is the only thing the Vet and I could think of after he became ill and passed so quick
I have pictures of my beautiful Samson that I will send you. Samson was a very special boy β he used to dress up for Halloween each year and go around to the neighbors In his costume. He knew all the neighbors and they seemed to love him. Another fawn would be difficult for me β because I would think of Samson. Perhaps a brindle?
Nancy DaXXXX Nancy.DaXXXX@gcccd.edu 10:37 AM Oct 10, 2014 San Diego, CA *(SeeΒ Clients’ PhotosΒ Page).
Dear Roger, Seven years ago I purchased my beloved, wild, precious Samson from you for my late son, Jeremy. On June 26th , Samson passed away suddenly and I was stunned. Samson was on a very good diet, exercised twice each day β at least, slept on a single bed mattress, loved television and soft music; loved playing with his friends in the neighborhood and in the Great Dane Meet-up of San Diego. He and both were altogether happy! The doctor said that Samson had a very strong heart and body as he still bounced around like a puppy. Somehow he came down with pneumonia and so sudden we think it could have been bacterial and he aspirated. I donβt know β I was set on keeping him past 10 yrs. β thatβs what we were shooting for. I hope to contact you within the next year and let you know what I decide about another βgentle giantβ. Right now, I am still devastated.
You raise beautiful dogs and my Samson was a testimony to this. Sincerely, Nancy DaXXXX Nancy.DaXXXX@gcccd.edu Jul 17,2014 *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hello Roger, Happy Thanksgiving to you – I hope this note finds you and your family well!
Two years ago, I purchased my Samson from you for my son who was ill but he was given a very positive prognosis. Unfortunately, the Lord took my boy home anyway and I found myself left with a dog that he had always wanted. Samson, is now a little over two years old and though I seem to be surviving the devastation of my son’s loss, I think it is mainly due to the new dimensions of joy that Samson has brought me.
We belong to the San Diego Great Dane Meet-up and some of our meets include “dog friendly” restaurants. So Samson has not only learned to socialize very well with most dogs, he is learning to behave at restaurants and many other outings as well! For Halloween, Samson and I wore owner and dog look-a-like vampire costumes – we received “Honorable Mention”. One of his many friends include, Titan, recently recognized as the “tallest dog” in the world! Titan’s human mother Diana, is our Meet-up Coordinator
Samson is absolutely and truly a “gentle giant” and is my own very special lap dog. I love him and know my son would have adored him as well. Thank you Roger for taking such good care of these beautiful animals.
Warmly, Nancy DaXXXX San Diego, CA ENFJDaXXXX@gmail.com *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, Ellie is doing great. She has her 3 year shots coming up at the vets this month. We got a new addition in April. Not sure how to send a picture but I will try. Joyce MontXXXX joyXXX@yahoo.com 10/06/2014 4:49 PM, Catskills, N.Y. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, It’s Joyce MontXXXX from Catskill, NY. Boy is life busy. It has been a while and I don’t want you to think I forgot about you. We went to Atlantic City, NJ this weekend and it was Ellie’s first outing over nite.(4 1/2 hour ride each way) She did awesome and was very popular with all the people on the boardwalk. They loved her and she loved back. She loves licking faces. We did leave her in the room for 2 hours to go have dinner and she locked us out by hitting the deadbolt. There was no key for it so the man at the front desk climbed a ladder through the second floor window to let us in. Good thing she is friendly. Here are some pics of her on the Jersey Shore. She is such a big puppy and she wore herself out. She has been sleeping since we got home at 6 last night.
On the sad side, we lost our Sheltie, Riley in January. He passed away in my husband’s arms. He was 17. Ellie has been looking for him for a week. Anyway! We are up in the air with getting another puppy. My husband’s job now has him away from home 4 days a week and Ellie is my shadow. When the time is right I’ll let you know. But in the meantime, I will keep giving you updates Thanks! Joyce PS — The beach pictures were taken at 5:30 am. Joyce MonteXXX joyXXX@yahoo.com 6/24/13
Hi Roger, I sent you pics of Ellie. They are best buddies. She’s two years old and sooo beautiful and soooooo smart. Thanks Roger! Joyce From: joy2XXX@yahoo.com
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 17:05:53 Catskills, N.Y
Hi Roger, I don’t think I’ve sent any photo’s of Ellie since Christmas. Well, here she is, almost two years old. Love Ellie soooo much! Life is good!! Send some more on her 2nd birthday. Thanks Roger – Joyce from Catskill, NY Joyce MonteXXXX joy2XXX@yahoo.com Sent: Tue, 24 Apr 2012 16:28:20 -0700
Merry Christmas from Ellie’s house to Roger’s house. Merry Christmas Roger. Ellie is doing awesome. So much more love in the house. Joyce From: joyXXX@yahoo.com Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2011 11:27:05 Catskills, N.Y. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Ellie’s 1st birthday? To The Puppy Master
Hi Roger, I sent a couple of pics of Ellie’s 1st birthday party. She had 2 cupcakes (no frosting) and she got doggy treats and toys for presents. She just weighs in at 101 and still growing. She is the best!!!!!! Sorry for the delay of staying in touch. I know you’ll enjoy the pics. I’ll stay in touch more often. Take Care – Joyce 7/07/11 Joyce MonteXXXX joy2XXX@yahoo.com Catskills, N.Y. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, Here are a couple of pics of Ellie and one of her and Axle, my nieces dog from Long Island, NY. Ellie loves the snow. I can’t get her out of it. She is the best dog that I ever had. We LOVE her so much and she LOVES everybody. Unfortunately I can’t have another right now because our Sheltie, Riley is too old to endure another puppy in the house. Especially a Great Dane! Ellie doesn’t realize how rough she is when she is playing with him. But I know how to find you when we are ready. I’ll stay in touch with more pics. Thank You for Ellie. Joyce MonteXXXX joy2XXX@yahoo.com Sent: Sun 2/13/11 8:13 AM Catskills, N.Y. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, Well much to my relief, Ellie is fine. The Vet said it is not medical but that she was more of a glutton. Ellie does drink her water too fast and too much at one time. Ellie is getting air in when she is drinking and then after drinking she burps out the air along with the water she just drank. I need to limit her water intake and give Ellie a little amount to drink at a time and wait about 5 minutes and give her a little more and so on. This has stopped the barfing of water. Also, I have raised her water dish up about 1 foot. So far, so good! I have enclosed the latest pic of Ellie. She has such a hard life! Thanks for listening Joyce MonteXXXX joy2XXX@yahoo.com Sent: Thu 12/09/10 10:05 AM Catskills, N.Y. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, Sorry it took so long to get pics. These are just a few of Ellie at 10 weeks. I’ll get some more sent to you soon. Ellie is sooo beautiful and has bought so much joy and love into our lives. Joyce MonteXXXX joy2XXX@yahoo.com Sent: Fri 9/24/10 12:11 PM Catskills, N.Y. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, I haven’t had time with the pics yet. School started yesterday. Very busy, but hopefully this weekend. Ellie is adjusting so well. She goes up and down the stairs with no problem. Joyce MonteXXXX joy2XXX@yahoo.com Sent: Thu 9/09/10 8:09 PM Catskills, N.Y. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, Still haven’t had a chance to download pics. Spending a lot of time with Ellie. She has a clean bill of health. Vet said she is gorgeous! She can use the puppy Advantax and she has an appointment on the 28th for her first distemper shot. We have been socializing her with everyone, including dogs and cats. She has such a sweet, sweet personality. We love her so much. I just took her for a little walk and now she’s sound asleep. Oh, Ellie is also 100% house broken. She follows Riley out the door to the pooping grounds across the driveway and she sleeps right next to Riley at night. We only use the crate when we have to go out and she’s only in there for the most 2-3 hours when were gone. Ellie wakes my husband up in the night to go potty and she goes to the kitchen door and waits for him to go out. I will get some pics to you soon. She truly has brought joy into our lives. Thank You again and again Roger. Joyce MonteXXXX joy2XXX@yahoo.com Sent: Sun 9/05/10 12:11 PM Catskills, N.Y. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, Just wanted to let you know how happy we are with Ellie. We both fell in love with her immediately. She was very quiet and timid for the first 24 hours. She now has opened up to us like a puppy should. I took pics, but having problems with downloading them on the computer. Soon as I figure it out I’ll send some. We are on our way to the vets now. Got everything you gave me to take to the vets. We love her very much. She’s everything we thought. Thanks!
Joyce MonteXXXX joy2XXX@yahoo.com Sent: Fri 9/03/10 2:49 PM Catskills, N.Y.
Roger, I was wondering when the pick up date was for her. In our excitement of seeing her I missed that part of the conversation. Thanks so much Lorisa
Lorisa LXXXX lbloXXXX@yahoo.com Sep 10, 2014 Elkland, MO.
< &&&&&&&&&&&
Hey, Rallye is the hit of the produce shop. We opened on Thurs. and he thinks all the customers are there for him. We’ll get a pic soon. He’ll be so spoiled by the end of summer!!
May 25th, 9:19 AM New Church, VA. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
waiting Hope you have a great weekend & a great produce season.
Tuesday 8:17 PM New Church, VA. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi R. B/c of Rallye’s crazy popularity at the shop, I’ve given your website to quite a few diff. people to look at! Even a family from your state, 300 mi. away, w/a 60 acre farm w/horses. Sometimes they don’t even come in to buy…just bring family members in to see this dog! He is so good w/kids, loves the teenage girls (uh-huh) and has to be the most photographed dog in the land. He’s very frisky in the a.m., then lays right in the path and main counter area all afternoon. He’s jumped a couple of guys, being too playful, and we always say, “puppy in training, don’t make him jump you!” Jerry trots him every afternoon on a mile route as he rides his bike. And Rallye and I try to leave every evening at 6, and when we get to our 1/2 mile dirt road, he hangs over my shoulder until I stop the car, roll my window down, get out, let him out and hold his leash and trot him home. Jerry really wants a female, so he’s playing around looking, but I’m ambivalent there. Lots of work and mess and we can’t have 2 Danes at the shop. Money too of course. Finally, why does he dislike men in rubber boots…he reacts very strongly and will not let the person pet him even later. Also, the tiny barbed wire scar on his hip definitely grew w/him. It’s about 2 1/2 “. A tell-tale mark if any of these people actually woo him into their cars like they all threaten. Glad we found you.
Rallye is doing GREAT! No accidents in the house or produce shop, playful (hauls out our messy daughter’s undies shirts), is delighted with customers’ attentions, eating well, responding to Jerry’s whistle. We’ll post a pic tomorrow. You’re beautiful , Roger. September 7 at 8:21pm via mobile New Church, VA. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Roger, Thought you’d get a kick out of this. Rallye’s growing like crazy, vet last week was very impressed w/your records and care, and there’s a shot due Monday morning. We took a short trip this week to WV where pup couldn’t go, so our pet-friendly neighbors took him in…he adjusted way too quickly to them and gave us a little jealous feeling as we read the texts and saw the photos they sent. π P. New Church, VA. From: pjalXXXX@yahoo.com Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 5:18 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Rallye is doing GREAT! No accidents in the house or produce shop, playful (hauls out our messy daughter’s undies shirts), is delighted with customers’ attentions, eating well, responding to Jerry’s whistle. We’ll post a pic tomorrow. You’re beautiful , Roger. September 7 at 8:21pm via mobile Jerry-Paula AlXXXX New Church, VA. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Pup was picked up w/no problem and is, I’m told, absolutely adorable, tail wagging, and now playing on my mom’s side yard in DC for a 1/2 before the 3 hr trip to the Eastern Shore! I’m still in school. Boo hoo. I want to play too. Paula, New Church, VA. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
subject: Re: Aurora:-)
Yeah I will check with my vet and let you know… I want to do whatever makes her the healthiest π Laurie Laura MXXXX nightcopXXXX@XXmail.com date: Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 8:18 PM Glen Rock, PA. *(See Clients’ Photos Page)
all they mentioned was rabies in a few weeks then they said that they will test for heart worms when they do her blood work to fix her (not for a good while though) should I be getting Aurora an 8 way parvo? Laura MXXXX nightcopXXXX@XXmail.com date: Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 6:29 PM Glen Rock, PA. *(See Clients’ Photos Page)
Hi Roger, How are you doing? We are doing wonderful π Aurora is having fewer accidents every day and she seems to like her crate , only while I am at work of course , and only until she is fully housebroken of course π We had our first yet appointment yesterday … she was shy at first but she was a good girl … they gave her her check up and they cleaned her ears and they trimmed her nails and they gave her her last 5-way parvo shot and they also checked her stool ! NO parasites !!!:-):-):-)!!! yayyy π They said that she looked good and her weight seemed good I am still leaving her food out 24/7 , she just eats when she wants to is anyone inquiring about her three brothers yet ??? I will send you some more pictures soon. Take care. Laurie π Laura MXXXX nightcopXXXX@XXmail.com date: Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 5:36 AM Glen Rock, PA. *(See Clients’ Photos Page)
Hi Roger; how are you doing? We are doing wonderful π Tonight is the first night that we are going to try the crate … my little monster is an escape artist and she keeps escaping the kitchen with the baby gates ! lol Our first vet appointment is this coming Tuesday π Aurora gets the hiccups all of the time … I looked it up and from what I read that is normal for puppies… any input ? I can not get her on a feeding schedule… I put the food out and she does not eat it… so i have just been leaving food out 24/7 and it seems like she eats when she wants to , but to me it does not seem like she is eating enough… I think that i am going to start giving her a can of wet food , just in the mornings , until I feel like she is getting enough to eat … (I have her on blue buffalo adult large breed formula, it seems like she likes it, like I said it just seems like she is not eating enough) any input? Not to be too personal, lol, but she poops a couple of times a day, looks normal, no worms, I just do not understand how she can go so much when she is not eating a lot. Any input would be appreciated. Thank you Sir π Laurie Laura MXXXX nightcopXXXX@XXmail.com date: Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 6:58 PM Glen Rock, PA. *(See Clients’ Photos Page)
Yes she is a little monster, I call get that all of the time lol, but I love her soooooo much π I am hoping to get her together with James and Jake soon , they have not seen each other since James picked him up from me. Laurie Laura MXXXX nightcopXXXX@XXmail.com date: Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 11:59 PM Glen Rock, PA. *(See Clients’ Photos Page)
Hi Roger; how are you doing? I see that you sold one of the other males π that is wonderful π Aurora is doing wonderful and I can not believe how well my cats are doing π Last night was my first night back to work and I left her in my kitchen with the baby gate up and her bed, toys, etc. She did not even have an accident or tear anything up … she was such a good girl and she is so smart… She finally learned how to come down the steps the other day, well sort of, she kind of slides down them on her belly π hehehe Well I will not hold you up I just wanted to check in with you. Did you get all of the pictures that I sent you? I will send you more soon thank you so much again π Laurie ( who is now having a Great Dane day ) hehehe Laura MXXXX nightcopXXXX@XXmail.com date: Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 3:25 AM Glen Rock, PA. *(See Clients’ Photos Page)
subject: 2 Puppies
Hi Roger! You corresponded with Stephanie Scudder last night. I am Prentissβ dad & Stephβs father in law and Bowserβs (the Bozβs) grand father
You & your family come highly recommended by those two. My wife & I are interested in two possible females.
The one sole survivor from the litter born right before Christmas and the one remaining female from the litter born earlier in the month, (avail. Mid Feb.)
When convenient, could you please email pictures to us? We will make a decision & let you know.
Kindly leave me deposit instructions and any other information we should know also.
Thank you, Pete & Patti ScXXXX email: prXXXX@swbell.net date: Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 9:20 PM St. Louis, MO.
subject: Black female born 12/22
Hi Roger! I’m sure you don’t remember me but my name is Stephanie Scudder. My husband and I adopted a black dane (one of Daphne’s pups) a few years back. Our baby (Bowser) is 4 1/2 now and we couldn’t be happier. He is loved member of the family.
The reason I am contacting you is to inquire about Whoop-see Daisey’s puppy born on 12/22. My in-laws are interested in a black female. Is she spoken for? Do you know how much you will ask for her? Do you have a picture you could send to me?
Thanks for taking the time to respond, Hope you had a great Christmas! Stephanie ScXXXX email: skXXXX@yahoo.com date: Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 8:14 PM St. Louis, MO.
subject: Merry Christmas from Achilles!
Hope you had a Merry Christmas! Achillesis growing fast. He is such a sweet boy and everyone just loves him. He is great with children and has an awesome temperament. He is so smart, he gives me high fives and lots of cuddles.
Keri and Skyler keriXXXX@yahoo.com date: Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 12:50 PM Salt Lake City, UT. *(See Clients’ Photos Page)
Hey Roger we love Achilles and he’s doing great, healthy and happy! we started puppy training and he is already the smartest dog! He already knows how to sit lay down shake and watch me! He is almost completely potty trained! We couldn’t
be happier with the addition to our family. The only problem is now everywhere we go everyone stops us to meet our fun loving puppy. He is growing very fast into a really good looking dog. He is so sweet in constant need of attention and
affection we couldn’t ask for a better puppy! I will send some pictures and videos in another email! kerisXXXX kerisXXXX@yahoo.com Nov 19 at 9:48 PM Salt Lake City, UT. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
subject: Diesel Update
Hi it’s me Stephanie I’m just letting you know Diesel is very happy now he is still shy around people but he loves me he follows me everywhere and he sleeps with me he is doing very well and he just lost a baby tooth he has been eating his dog food and is adjusting well to the area and he has made two other Great Dane friends from our neighborhood π Carlos & Stephanie cjtXXXX@gmail.com date: Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 8:27 PM New Rochelle, N.Y.
subject: Happy birthday, Thor!
Hi Roger! Hope you are doing well! Today is Thor’s 6th birthday! He is doing great! Happy holidays to you! Cheryl EcXXXX<caecXXXX@gmail.comdate: Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 6:55 AM *(See Clients’ Photos Page). Hendersonville, TN
Hi Roger! Just wanted to drop a little note to say hi and show you a picture of Thor. Today is his 4th birthday, and we took this picture of him this morning. Thor is still beautiful, healthy and our spoiled baby! Hope all is well with you and your family. Your puppies look beautiful! (I can’t look at them too long because I want them all!!!) Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! Cheryl & Shawn EcXXXX, Hendersonville, TN (and Thor)! From: caecXXXX73@gmail.com Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2011 16:42:04 -0600 *(See Clients’ Photos Page). Hendersonville, TN
Hi Rogerβ, Just wanted to drop a little note and say hi. Thor turned two on Dec. 3 and is doing great. He is our joy! Thor and I were in Petco the other day and a man started asking me about him. Come to find out he just got a brindle puppy from you a little while ago. He was from Gallatin, TN which is just a few miles down the road. Small world! Hope all is well with you and your family. Talk to you later! Cheryl, Shawn, Thor, and kids From: Cheryl EcXXX caecXXXX@comcast.net Sent: Sun 1/17/10 11:58 AM (See Clients’ Photos Page) Hendersonville, TN
Hi again Roger! Just thought you would like an up to date picture of Thor. He had a bath this morning and this shows him drying and sunning himself. Let us know when your baby comes! Good Luck! The EcXXX family Cheryl EcXXX caecXXX@comcast.net Sent: Sat 7/18/09 12:57 PM Hendersonville, TN
Hello from Hendersonville, TN! How are you and your Danes doing Roger? We are all fine here. Thor will be 18 months on June 3. He is the love of our life! He is a great and beautiful dog. He gets commented on everywhere we go!! He sleeps in bed with my youngest son and yes, sometimes still in the recliner with Shawn! I was wondering about your opinion on when to switch him to the adult food. He is still on the Eukanuba large breed puppy. I have a couple of Great Dane books and they say to keep him on puppy food until he is 2. Do you agree with that or should I switch now that he is 18 months old? Well, take care Roger, and have a wonderful summer!
Cheryl, Shawn, Brett, Scott & Thor Mon 6/01/09 7:31 AM caecXXXX@comcast.net *(See Clients’ Photos Page). Hendersonville, TN
Hi Rogerβ, Just wanted to drop a little note and say hi. Thor turned two on Dec. 3 and is doing great. He is our joy! Thor and I were in Petco the other day and a man started asking me about him. Come to find out he just got a brindle puppy from you a little while ago. He was from Gallatin, TN which is just a few miles down the road. Small world! Hope all is well with you and your family. Talk to you later! Cheryl, Shawn, Thor, and kids From: Cheryl EcXXX caecXXXX@comcast.net Sent: Sun 1/17/10 11:58 AM (See Clients’ Photos Page) Hendersonville, TN
Hi again Roger! Just thought you would like an up to date picture of Thor. He had a bath this morning and this shows him drying and sunning himself. Let us know when your baby comes! Good Luck! The EcXXX family Cheryl EcXXX caecXXX@comcast.net Sent: Sat 7/18/09 12:57 PM Hendersonville, TN
Hello from Hendersonville, TN! How are you and your Danes doing Roger? We are all fine here. Thor will be 18 months on June 3. He is the love of our life! He is a great and beautiful dog. He gets commented on everywhere we go!! He sleeps in bed with my youngest son and yes, sometimes still in the recliner with Shawn! I was wondering about your opinion on when to switch him to the adult food. He is still on the Eukanuba large breed puppy. I have a couple of Great Dane books and they say to keep him on puppy food until he is 2. Do you agree with that or should I switch now that he is 18 months old? Well, take care Roger, and have a wonderful summer!
Cheryl, Shawn, Brett, Scott & Thor Mon 6/01/09 7:31 AM caecXXXX@comcast.net *(See Clients’ Photos Page). Hendersonville, TN
Hi Roger HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROGER!!!!! Shawn & I just wanted to check in and tell you how wonderful Thor is. He is about 4 months and 3 weeks now and about 60 lbs. He has been such a great pet and we couldn’t love him anymore! He definitely is spoiled and gets to do whatever he wants. We fenced in our back yard for him, he’s in obedience classes, loves riding in cars and going for walks. He is quite the conversation piece at the dog park, too. He has been very healthy and our vet just loves him. Yes, we had his ears cropped, (I know you don’t like that) but we just prefer the look. At least Shawn is not still sleeping in the recliner with him. We have a big comfy bed for him that he sleeps beside us, that is if he is not in bed with one of the boys! You seem like you’re keeping quite busy with all your puppies. Everywhere we go, someone asks us about Thor and comments on how beautiful he is. This Saturday we are taking him to our yearly “Doggy Days in the Park”. I’m sure he will make a lot of new friends. He already has a girlfriend, a Yorkie, in his obedience class! I wanted to ask you about his food. We have always fed him Eukanuba, large breed puppy, until a couple of weeks ago when this new pet food store in town told us we should be using Solid Gold – Wolf King. So we read about it and switched. Have you ever heard of that? We just want to feed him the best food for him. Also, we have heard that we should wait to have him neutered until 1 – 2 years old to give his body a chance to grow bigger & stronger. So we are kind of confused on that issue. Well Roger, you have a great day, and a great birthday, (yes we remembered) and Shawn will too! I’m sending a pic of Thor. We love him so much and he gives us great joy! Talk to ya later. Bye from Tennessee!! Cheryl caecXXXXXX@comcast.net Wed 4/23/08 7:29 AM *(See Clients’ Photos Page). Hendersonville, TN
Hey Roger! How are things going? I bet you’re busy with your new pups! Thor is just great! He will go for his 9 week appointment on Monday. He is a good boy so far. He doesn’t particularly like the crate so Shawn still sleeps with him on the recliner at night! But he doesn’t really mind! We will keep working with the crate though. Just wanted to check in with you and tell you that Thor is doing just fine. We all love him very much!
Talk to you later, Cheryl & Shawn caeXXXX@comcast.net Sat 2/02/08 7:23 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page). Hendersonville, TN
Roger, The instructor was very impressed with Thumper’s temperament. I called FGVS and asked which vet was performing the surgery and they said it was Dr Talbot, but I asked if we could have it switched to Dr Ellen and they said yes. So, it will be Dr Ellen. Thumper is worn out from our morning play and walk, and training, however when I asked her to sit, she did, and I took a picture of the pretty girl, just for you. I like her ears floppy, and I am glad I made that choice, versus getting them cut. The other Great Dane owner said she got the Dane from a lady breeder near Springfield but couldn’t remember her name or town… I did get Thumper’s AKC certified pedigree info and registration certificate in the mail the other day. She is a happy, friendly dog. I spend nearly all day, every day with her, and she has gotten a lot better about sleeping in the kennel at night without crying. We always give her a treat to go to bed, its a good thing my daughter doesn’t know that, or she would be trying to get candy to go to bed… Melissa RoXXXX mroXXXX3@gmail.com Tue, Nov 7, 2013 at 2:22 PM Mt. Vernon, MO. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
subject: Thumper update
Please don’t share the pic, as I don’t want anyone to recognize where we do our training, for safety reasons. Thanks. Thumper and I started training last night, in a program. She is doing really well with the “sit”. She is such a sweet dog, my daughter gets jealous because I call Thumper my “baby doll”. She tries to curl into the smallest possible size. We saw a Great Dane last night that is twice her size and know we still have a lot to grow. She ate a pair of shoes last night… But is doing a lot better with the chewing. We try to get her new toys to keep her interest. She is getting spayed in a couple weeks. Melissa RoXXXX mroXXXX3@gmail.com Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 1:14 PM Mt. Vernon, MO. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Thumper likes to nap on her back. I just got her scheduled for November 19th with your vet to be spayed. She got her rabies shot last week. My Vet mentioned you called. Thumper is doing a lot better with the house training and chewing now. Still have some issues with her putting her paws and face on the counter and table to steal food… I am feeding her Blue Buffalo and she seems to like it. She is about 40lbs. Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 10:27 AM, Melissa RogXXX mrogXXX@gmail.com Mt. Vernon, MO. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hello, I just wanted to thank you for being a responsible breeder. Iβve gotten into arguments with some Dane breeders before who were just looking to make a βquick buck.β You have obviously taken the time to make sure everything is perfect for your little ones with even having a DNA profile for them! Have a wonderful day! Missy UnswXXXX 9:50 PM October 12, 2013
Hi Roger! Just thought I would shoot you an update about Dante. He is from Daphne and Romeo’s July 7, 2010 litter. I just thought I would thank you again. He is our 4th Great Dane, and he is the sweetest boy ever. A kinder dog I have never met. Dante is well loved and he loves MUCH in return π Thank you so much for allowing us to have this sweet sweet soul join our family 3 years ago!! Curt & Shannon FulXXXX curtnsXXXX@yahoo.com Sent: 8/20/2013 5:57 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Dante is from your 7 July 2010 litter. He was the complete black with just dabs behind his paws. I just had to let you know how he is doing. He is the best baby ever!! LOL He doesn’t bark, even at all the deer in the yard. He just watches them. His temperament is beyond wonderful, he’s never met a stranger just someone new to play with :o). He’s a super smart young man and he loves loves loves to play soccer!! He’s not destructive either, he knows where his toy baskets are located and he abuses them :o). He’s a complete joy and I just wanted to thank you for letting him join our family.
Happy Dane Mom, Shannon XXXX and shann (curtnsXXX@yahoo.com) Sent: Wed 5/04/11 7:42 AM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Daisy is growing like a weed and loves her big Doberman brother Zeus, sometimes he even lets her win at tug of war with the rope. She plays often with the neighbors miniature dachshund puppy, it’s her chance to be the BIG dog! She is weighing in at about 28lbs these days, she loves her food! I am sending a favorite photo, the girls have titled it… “Driving Miss Daisy” Stacey chrXXXX@cox.net Sent: Thurs 12/06/2012 8:31 PM Tulsa, OK.
A Happy update 5/16/12 It’s been about 2 and a half years since Happy became part of my life. He has brought me so much joy and love. He has been my pillow to cry on when times were tough, my companion when I was feeling lonely, and above all else, my best friend. From the first day that Happy came to live with us, I knew he was special. He always had this look on his face like he knew exactly what was going on. As he got older, I realized just how special he was. Happy had this personality that could warm even the coldest of spirits. One day, while sitting with him at home, watching him nap on the couch with our tiny kitten, I realized I was being selfish. Through mutual friends, I made contact with a woman named Jinna. She worked as a therapist for trauma victims in the Denver area. I knew from word-of-mouth that she had been looking for a new dog to accompany her in therapy sessions and greet people at the door of her office. After just a few short hours, Happy had a job. For months, Happy worked to improve the lives of so many people. Burn victims who had trouble moving found themselves petting Happy. Traumatized victims of violent crimes who would never talk in therapy told him all of their fears and desires. Happy was a miracle worker. With his help, many people found themselves “happy” for the first time in a long time. However, this wasn’t enough. We decided that Happy could do even more. During the last few months of 2011, Happy attended Therapy Dog Training. He graduated at the top of his class. He then began going to hospitals, including Children’s Hospital, to bring joy to many people in treatment. If only the world could know how special animals can really be… With that thought in mind, Jinna banned together with a few friends and started Project:Thrive. This project became a huge success with a main goal of showing people the amazing beauty of animals. Jinna, Happy, and a few other people go to schools all over Colorado. They teach kids how to safely approach dogs, how to care for them, respect them, and love them. Happy is almost famous. Schools, hospitals, and patients call from all over the state to request a meeting with Happy. He is the definition of a gentle giant and I couldn’t be more proud. I hope this letter shows just how amazing your dogs are, Roger. I hope you feel a sense of pride in reading this. I know I feel that way every time I think of all that Happy has done. At 160 lbs and 40 inches at the shoulder, this literal giant is the most gentle and loyal creature I have ever met. Thank you so much for giving me this joy. Happy has forever changed the lives of so many people. Rochelle Rochelle HoXXXX rm_hooXXX@yahoo.com Sent: Wed 5/16/12 9:36 PM Colorado. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Re: puppies?β
Re: puppies?β
Well if we are going to get another Dane puppy, it’s going to be from you. My husband and I both decided that if the time came we would never use another breeder. We’ve tried to do the “right thing” and adopt from a rescue. It has failed twice. The dog was either cranky with Carson (our son) or fighting with Happy. So we’re thinking another puppy might be the best way to go. My husband likes Blues, I don’t really know much about them. I actually like the Fawns myself. Here’s a nice shot of Happy trying to kill bubbles. I love it. There’s also one of him and a big stick he found. It was actually a walking stick that he stole from someone at a dog park. Rochelle From: Rochelle HoXXXX rm_hoXXX@yahoo.com Sent: Tue 3/02/10 12:32 PM Ft. Reilly, KS. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Happy ” Update?
Hey Roger, Hope all is well with you and your family. Happy is doing just wonderful. He is the perfect family dog and just a total love bug. We just took him in for a check up and he weighed in at 104 pounds and stands 34 inches at the shoulder. Now that is a GREAT Dane! He has been nothing but healthy since the day we got him. His vet always says “he looks amazing, perfect health” every time we bring him in. Thank you again for providing us with such a delightful addition to our family! Rochelle
From: Rochelle HXXXXX rm_hXXXX@yahoo.com Sent: Mon 2/15/10 8:15 PM Ft. Reilly, KS. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Happy,β Our first testimonial:
Dear Roger, We can’t even begin to express the level of joy and love that Happy has brought to our family. It didn’t take long at all for us to realize how truly amazing and special this pup really is. Happy has such a big heart and clever mind. He already knows a few commands and remains extra aware all the time of our little toddler running around. Within three days Happy was fully house trained. He was even going to the front door and whining to let us know he needed to go out. He didn’t spend long at all in the crate and already gets free roam whenever we have to run errands. Just last weekend we went on a trip to visit my family in St Louis and everyone had something great to say about Happy. They just couldn’t believe that a 3 month old puppy could be so well behaved and mild-mannered (not to mention completely gorgeous). Not to say he didn’t show the other dogs who was boss, he just left it at that and mingled with the crowed. Happy really thinks he’s a person more than a dog, and chose to sit and watch the grill rather than play with his cousins (though it could’ve had something to do with the smell of food). We took Happy in for his vet check last week and the vet told us that he was as healthy as can be. So far so good. We’ll keep you updated as Happy gets older (and grows into those huge paws of his). Here’s a few pictures for now.
The HooXXX rm_hooXXX@yahoo.com Mon 9/07/09 7:50 PM Ft. Reilly, KS. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, Bugger Ann here:). Just wanted to say Hi and let you know Murphy is doing great!! Growing like crazy!! He is still waking me up way to early!! 4 AM is not my best time of the day!! But were working on it! Pretty much house trained, and is such a funny boy! I love him!! Hope all is well with you and your family!! Happy New Year to you!!! Ann:) From: Ann TXXXX BowyerXXXX@hotmail.com Cripple Creek, CO. Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2012 14:05:08 *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, I have sent some photos of Murphy I didn’t indicate it was Murphy but it is from me:). He is wonderful and I love Murphy dollop much! From: Ann TXXXX BowyerXXXX@hotmail.com Cripple Creek, CO. Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 08:03:08 *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
To: Roger Puppy guy, Murphy In his Camo coat π From: Ann TXXXX BowyerXXXX@hotmail.com Cripple Creek, CO. Sent: Fri 11/18/11 8:39 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hey Roger, just wanted to send you a few updated pics of Bash. He has an incredible personality and βkeeps tabsβ on what everyone in the house is doing (including the other dogs and the cat). Bash kinda patrols everyone Ha-Ha Hope you and your family are all doing well and wishing you a Merry Christmas. Youβre new pups are just adorable and very tempting! From:Steve & Leah maXXX@mtintouch.net Malta, MT. Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2011 12:19:21 *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger: No actually our hands are not full with Bash at all, which totally surprised me being a puppy and all. He is very well behaved and has a whole pile of toys that he knows are his and other than the occasional grabbing of a toilet paper roll out of the garbage or bringing me my flip flops he is very good about not getting into things. He definitely does love attention but we are more than willing to give it to him . He is now just a few days shy of 3 months old and weighs 30.6 lbs. He gained 8lbs in the two weeks since his last vet visit. Everybody is just in love with Bash and canβt believe how mellow and well behaved he is. Definitely give you credit for some of that as we know you gave him a great start in those first 8 weeks! I will send you pics as he grows so you can see just how beautiful of a dog “Bash is Having a Great Dane day”!! Leah Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 12:19:03 -0600 From: Steve & Leah maXXX@mtintouch.net Malta, MT. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hey Roger… Canβt believe how big Bash is getting already. Heβs so much heavier and taller in just 2 weeks, and LOVES to eat – Haha. Just thought I would send you a picture I took of him next to his favorite flower. He always leans against it and tries to straddle it – HaHa. Love the little fellow so much! Steve & Leah maXXX@mtintouch.net Sent: Tue 6/28/11 2:03 PM Malta, MT. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Wonderful….look forward to getting the Puppy Pack!
All in all the boys are sharing Bash Haha, but they do try to outdo each other to get Bashβs attention. Michael HAS to be the one that gets to open the door for Bash to go outside pee or else there is a major meltdown. Itβs wonderful to hear their laughter and joy when they play with Bash. It is so funny to sit and watch because Bash will just lay on them then just stay there with them pinned down. Itβs hilarious! Once Bash is done playing then he always comes to me for βMama love and snugglesβ Haha. I LOVE IT! Yes Steve said the other crate and dog was right beside Bash when he got there to pick him up. He didnβt get a good look at that dog but said he definitely noticed how cheesy their crate was. Said it was not a real nice sturdy one like the one you sent Bash in. Our dog is better than ANYONEβS dog (well other than yours) HAHA Bash is so happy and I love talking about him, heβs just awesome! Leah MaXXX From: Steve & Leah maXXX@mtintouch.net Sent: Mon 6/13/11 9:20 PM Malta, MT. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, First off let me start by saying that we absolutely LOVE Bash!! He is wonderful. Last night we made him a bed in our bedroom with a big comforter and a pillow. I laid him on it when we went to bed and he whined and got off and wandered the room twice and after that he plopped down and was out till 5 am this morning. Brought him outside to pee and he went right away. Heβs doing really good about going outside, no accidents in house yet. He is definitely a βloverβ, he loves to snuggle and be held and Iβm loving every minute of it. He has been playing with the boys and they just think he is the coolest thing ever! He likes to follow me everywhere I go and does not like to be left alone in a room. I brought him for a little walk tonight after supper and he loved it. He didnβt fight the leash at all and is just doing great with everything. He fits right into our family and is comfortable, loving and playful with everyone. (Him and the cat arenβt too sure about each other yet) Haha. Iβve included some pictures of him with the boys. Very impressed with how gentle he is with them for still being a puppy. Thank you again! We couldnβt be happier and he is very loved! We will be in touch with you again in the future for our next Dane! Leah MaXXX From: Steve & Leah maXXX@mtintouch.net Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 20:35:09 Malta, MT. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hey Roger, Steveβs got Bash. He said he was extremely mellow and calm. He just sent me a few pics and Bash is just laying down on the back seat. Heβs such a doll. He will be stopping here soon to let him do any βbusinessβ he may have. Will email you again to let you know how he does. Leah MaXXX From: Steve & Leah maXXX@mtintouch.net Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2011 15:24:37 Malta, MT. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Subject: Received our 2 puppies
Dear Mr. White, We are Chuck & Mary XXXX in Oak Hill, WV. Our nephew, Daniel Anthony Rasi purchased two of your Great Dane puppies, (Brandy & Whiskey), as a surprise for us. They arrived last night, Fri. November 18 @ about 7:30PM. NOT ONLY ARE THEY FABULOUS DOGS, but arrived in excellent condition. They were fatigued from their long flight and were allowed to rest until fully recovered (which was around 3:00AM ) before a lot of interaction. Today Brandy & Whiskey seem fully recovered and are playful, interacting with my wife and I, and getting into typical puppy mischief. Over the past 21 years, we have had a Basset Hound, 2 chocolate Labs and 2 Gray Wolves. All of our animals were well cared for and all lived to a minimum of 10 years of age….with the Labs living 11 and 12 years. Even our wolves, whose life expectancy is 5-7 years, lived until 11 years. I am extremely impressed with your methods and care of the dogs you sell. You are a Class Breeder! We will be in contact as time passes and give you updates on their progress. Needless to say you will get our highest recommendation as a Breeder. Sincerely, Chuck & Mary XXXX Oak Hill, WV From: XXXXlonewolf@gmail.com Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2011 16:04:57 -0500 Beckley, W.V. (See Clients’ Photos Page).
Feel free to use me as a reference. I would be happy to talk to your potential customers. I just got back from a hike with Tank. Off leash. He is so dead on responsive. Tank will not leave my side. I can honestly say I have NEVER had a dog like this with such a good, obedient temperament. I could cry with how well Tank is taking to my training. This is a dog of a lifetime. At 7 months, I am deeply in love. Thanks. WELL worth the price! ~Giselle Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 13:13:38 -0800 From: gymaXXX@yahoo.com Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 13:13:38 -0800 Colorado Springs, CO. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi, Roger. This is Giselle in CO. I adopted your Male brindle. I cannot tell you how cool this dog is. His temperament is ideal. Tank is training well on leash and has learned to stay by me, and Tom, OFF LEASH like glue. Loves kids. Other dogs. He is a dream. We take Tank EVERYWHERE. Attached are two pics with Tank, Tom and Joe. Hope you are well. I doubt this is the last Dane I’ll be getting from you:) Thanks again!:) ~Giselle From: gymaXXX@yahoo.com Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2011 16:20:49 -0800 Colorado Springs, CO. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Puppy check…?
Well…his name is Tank. He is the nicest, sweetest pup ever. Adores everyone. Joe has taken him as her pup. They wrestle and sleep together. Joe sleeps by the crate at night. They are inseparable. He is very feisty. Plays with the boys…5 and 7…like they are puppies, too:) He is pretty darn near house trained. Will go days at a time without a mistake. Seems if we do not crate him enough, he has an accident, so it’s really our fault. Incidentally I applied for a job at said Vet today (fingers crossed), for a Vet Tech position. I’ll attach some pics. Will try to get more. He is a gorgeous dog. Makes me smile just to look at him. His personality is so laid back yet very attentive. Just don’t ever remember falling in love so quickly. Hope this finds you well:) ~Tom and Giselle MayXXX gymaXXX@yahoo.com Sent: Fri 7/08/11 3:50 PM Colorado Springs, CO. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Roger-THIS PUP IS GORGEOUS. Such a nice disposition. Thank you so much. Got here…all went smooth. Will send pics. My Dane seems to like him and he is curious about her. We are letting him slowly acclimate. ~Giselle π From: gymaXXX@yahoo.com Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 15:09:43 -0700 Colorado Springs, CO. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Puppy check…?
Well…his name is Tank. He is the nicest, sweetest pup ever. Adores everyone. Joe has taken him as her pup. They wrestle and sleep together. Joe sleeps by the crate at night. They are inseparable. He is very feisty. Plays with the boys…5 and 7…like they are puppies, too:) He is pretty darn near house trained. Will go days at a time without a mistake. Seems if we do not crate him enough, he has an accident, so it’s really our fault. Incidentally I applied for a job at said Vet today (fingers crossed), for a Vet Tech position. I’ll attach some pics. Will try to get more. He is a gorgeous dog. Makes me smile just to look at him. His personality is so laid back yet very attentive. Just don’t ever remember falling in love so quickly. Hope this finds you well:) ~Tom and Giselle MayXXX gymaXXX@yahoo.com Sent: Fri 7/08/11 3:50 PM Colorado Springs, CO. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Roger-THIS PUP IS GORGEOUS. Such a nice disposition. Thank you so much. Got here…all went smooth. Will send pics. My Dane seems to like him and he is curious about her. We are letting him slowly acclimate. ~Giselle π From: gymaXXX@yahoo.com Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 15:09:43 -0700 Colorado Springs, CO. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hey Roger, I purchased a brindle boy from just over two years ago. I can’t tell how perfect of a dog/ family member he is. His personality is amazing. You might remember him, his tail was kinked at birth and had to be trimmed a little. Just wanted to say thank you for the amazing addition to the family. ranchoXXX@aol.com Sent: Wed 6/08/11 1:33 PM
I purchased a fawn from you back in 1994/95.I seen your add in dog fancy magazine and purchased a male fawn and had him for 12yrs. I lost him from cancer and he was my best buddy. Are you planning on having a litter of fawns again? I have been looking around and the Prices are way too high for me. Everyone claims they have show dogs just to jump the price up. Thanks Ed.
From: PelaXXX, Edward J SIKXXXX (EPelaXXX@sikXXXX.com) Sent: Tue 5/03/11 12:46 PM
More PHOTO updates on Samson … *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger! Thought I’d send you an update on Samson. Samson has been steadily growing and everyone comments on how huge he is, but since I’ve seen him everyday since he was a 20 pound 8 week old puppy, he seems pretty average sized to me. He is very well behaved for a puppy, but does get the occasional destructive boredom bug when he is left unsupervised for too long, like the time when he broke out of his metal wire crate while we were gone and tore off a part of the couch (as you’ll see in one of the pictures I’ve attached). But I will say that of all the dogs I’ve owned in my life, Samson is the most well behaved and mild mannered dog, and any “damage” he has done doesn’t even begin to compare to the damage other dogs I’ve owned have done. He is such a pleasure to have around! Someday we will definitely be coming back to you for our next Dane!
p.s. The pictures I’ve attached are of Samson next to Hailey from 17 – 29 weeks. Also, I weighed him yesterday (29 weeks) and he came in at 92 pounds! From: Stephanie OdegXXX stephanie.odegXXX@gmail.com Sent: Mon 7/12/10 10:08 AM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
update on Samson? Hi Roger- Samson is 15 weeks old and weighed in at 44 pounds at 14.5 weeks! We have made it to our duty station in South Carolina and are enjoying the beaches with Samson. He loves playing in the water and meeting all the new people. Everywhere we go people comment on how handsome he is. I’ve attached some pictures I took while we were at the beach. Thanks again for being a responsible breeder! Stephanie From: Stephanie stephanie.odeXXXX@gmail.com Sent: Mon 4/05/10 8:20 PM Stationed in South Carolina *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
p.s. The pictures I’ve attached are of Samson next to Hailey from 17 – 29 weeks. Also, I weighed him yesterday (29 weeks) and he came in at 92 pounds! From: Stephanie OdegXXX stephanie.odegXXX@gmail.com Sent: Mon 7/12/10 10:08 AM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
update on Samson? Hi Roger- Samson is 15 weeks old and weighed in at 44 pounds at 14.5 weeks! We have made it to our duty station in South Carolina and are enjoying the beaches with Samson. He loves playing in the water and meeting all the new people. Everywhere we go people comment on how handsome he is. I’ve attached some pictures I took while we were at the beach. Thanks again for being a responsible breeder! Stephanie From: Stephanie stephanie.odeXXXX@gmail.com Sent: Mon 4/05/10 8:20 PM Stationed in South Carolina *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Ryker is great, we just had an appt. yesterday and he is very healthy, 147 lbs. The doctor said Ryker looks great. Canβt quite convince the wife that we should get a 2nd one, but I will keep working on it. Hope all is well. Vice President of BFS XXX John RowboXXXX From: “John RowboXXXX” johnXXXX@bfsmail.com Sent: Thursday, April 7, 2011 11:34 AM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Ryker (Utah)β
Hi Roger! This is the Rowbotham family from Utah. Just wanted to give you a quick update on Ryker (from your Dec. 20th litter). We took him in to the vet yesterday for his 12-week check-up and he weighed 44-pounds!!! From your experience, how does that compare to the average Great Dane? The Vet said he was very, very healthy and looked great! Thanks again for such a great puppy! Sincerely, John and Laura RowboXXXX From: Laura Rowbotham laura.rowboXXXX@gmail.com Sent: Thu 3/25/10 3:17 PM Salt Lake City, Utah. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Thanks Roger, From the RowboXXXX Family
Hey Roger, Here are a few pictures of Ryker from his first few days here in Utah. We are really enjoying having him as part of our family. Thank you! The RowboXXXX Family
PS. more pictures to come as he grows! From: Laura RowboXXXX laura.rowboXXXX@gmail.com Sent: Mon 2/15/10 6:42 PM Salt Lake City, UT. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
RE: Thanks Roger, From the RowboXXXX Family (UT)β
Roger, Thanks so much for the email. Yes, we are so happy with Ryker, he is a huge addition to our family. The kids love him and Ryker seems to be really happy in his new home. We are having a lot of fun in the back yard playing. We will keep you posted and I will give you an update after our Vet appt. Still working on Laura for the 2nd pup, but I think we are moving in the right direction. We are so happy and we canβt thank you enough. Talk to you soon. From: John RowboXXXX johnXXXX@bfsmail.com Sent: Wed 2/17/10 1:02 PM Salt Lake City, UT. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Bear is a happy boy in Memphis!! Thanks Roger! Everything is going great. Bear is growing like a weed! Here are a couple of pictures. Bear on Christmas morning after Santa delivery;-) 10 wks old. Bear is enjoying his 1st snow, (3 months old)! Sent: Tue 1/18/11 10:03 PM From: Lesley ParXXXX rlzparXXX@gmail.com Memphis, TN. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hey Roger! Ok…we want male #1 from litter 6! Should I put the 50% deposit in the mail? We would like to do a video chat ….just a little difficult with my daughter around all the time π Sent: Thu 10/28/10 11:04 PM From: Lesley ParXXXX rlzparXXX@gmail.com Memphis, TN. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger! I’ve been keeping an eye on your litters! We are interested in a puppy from your recent litter (litter #6). Leaning toward a male. We are just looking for a really great pet —> no breeding/show etc… I’m hoping to coordinate this for a Christmas morning Santa surprise for my daughter. We have convinced her “no dogs” especially big ones! I know they are ready to ship earlier in December but can you hold on to one until a few days before Christmas? I would plan to drive from Memphis to pick it up. Sent: Thu, 10/21/10 2:10 PM From: Lesley ParXXXX rlzparXXX@gmail.com Memphis, TN. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Mr. Roger White, Greetings! I would like to be added to your list that advises previous customers when the pictures of the new puppies will be available on your web site. I have a bunch of friends that are interested in some Blue Great Danes …Thank you, Sean KirkpXXX skayXXX@gmail.com Elkridge, Maryland 21075 Sent: Mon 6/07/10 11:06 AM (See Clients’ Photos Page)
Great Dane Day?
Mr. Roger White and Family, Greetings! I simply wanted to share some long overdue photos of two dogs I purchased from you:
Flawless XXXXXXX & Precious XXXXXXX
My family and I receive constant compliments on the high quality of our dogs and all of that begins with you. You produce a quality product and I simply wanted to say thank you. I will be looking to purchase two more dogs from you in a few years. Both the dogs are spaded and neutered and have great temperaments. They have been a blessing to our family. Happy New Year to you and your family and I wish you continued success.
Sean XXXXXXX sean kay skXXXXXXX@yahoo.com Sent: Sat 1/09/10 1:33 PM (See Clients’ Photos Page) Elkridge, Maryland
RE: Great Dane Dayβ
Thanks…this year I was forced to learn how to use my digital camera. (LOL) Take care and I’ll be in contact in a few years for some more Blue Great Danes.
I failed to mention the dogs vet was very impressed with the information you provided as far as there shots were concerned and she gave you and your business high ratings as well. Have a Great Dane Day, Sean XXXXXX skayXXXX@yahoo.com Sent: Sun 1/10/10 1:48 PM (See Clients’ Photos Page) Elkridge, Maryland
Great Danes in the Park? Hi there, Roger! Hope things are going well with you.Β Primo PilarΒ is growing and looking good–you’d be proud of him!
Is the park thing at Phelps Grove back on? What is there going on for Great Danes this summer? From: Jonathan BosXXXXΒ jhbosXXX@hotmail.comΒ Springfield, Missouri 65810Β Sent: Fri 5/21/10 7:43 AMΒ
Primo Pilarβ (a.k.a. Spike)
Hi there, Roger! Just wanted to let you know my little buddy is doing great–had a good visit to the vet the other day and growing like a weed. He really enjoys that food you recommended, and it seems to be really good for him. Hope you are doing well in the weather and are selling Great Danes too!
Regards, and we’ll be in touch. Jonathan H BosXXXXΒ jhbosXXXX@hotmail.comΒ Springfield, MissouriΒ Sent: Tue 2/16/10 7:28 AM
Been meaning to send these to you! Maximus turned 1 in February! He’s quite the attention grabber up here. π You have some beautiful new babies! Hopefully we will be in a house soon and ready for #2! Michael and Mary Kay CarXXXX ddzXXXX@gmail.com Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 6:00 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page). Chicago, IL.
Hi Roger! I just saw your IM, I was actually taking Maximus out to potty!
Here are some pics of the little guy! He’s adjusting well to his new home and has even taken a liking to the boxer Greta that lives next door. I’ll keep them coming as he grows! Mary Kay XXXXXX ddzlXXX@gmail.com Fri 4/10/09 7:15 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page). Chicago, IL.
Thanks so much!? Hi Roger, This is Stephanie and Casey, we bought Tyson, a brindle Great Dane from you in March 2009 out of Kitty and Sunny’s litter. Sorry it has taken so long to get back in touch and let you know how everything is going, but things are great. We have enclosed a few pictures of our baby who is now a year old (and weighs 125lbs!), you may post them if you like. Tyson is so full of life and such an amazing addition for us, it is hard to remember life before him! He loves living on the farm and going with us riding horses and four wheelers. This boy is all puppy! He is so energetic and a very happy dog. He was by far the easiest dog we have ever trained, such a smart animal! Tyson could sit, lay, shake and speak by the time he was 3 months old! Sorry this is such a long email and to be bragging on Tyson so much, but he has been a huge blessing for many different reasons. We just wanted to sincerely thank you for all the happiness you have brought into our lives probably without even realizing it. Thank You! Stephanie and Casey Hannibal, Missouri From: Casey FlXXX XXXXredneck@hotmail.com Sent: Sun 2/28/10 4:09 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Update :-)? Hi Roger! I just wanted to give you an update on our baby, Bowser. He is 9 months old now and 120+ pounds and still growing like a weed! He is arguably the best dog ever. House breaking was a breeze and I count the number of accidents on two hands. He is SO smart and training has been fun and rewarding (he is a little spoiled so it can also be challenging at times ;-)). We will begin the intermediate class in March and he is looking forward to playing with all the other dogs. Bowser LOVES to go to the pet store and all the attention he gets… children and adults all run up to him and pet him– he is like a magnet! He is very well behaved and social!! Our vet has nothing but great things to say about him and with the exception of food allergies we haven’t had many medical issues. Bowser is an absolute joy and the love of my life! (don’t tell my husband LOL) I regularly check your website to see the new puppies and I tell all my friends about you. Keep bringing beautiful Danes into this world! Thanks so much and I wish the best to you. (I’ve attached a few pics to show you how BEAUTIFUL my baby Bowser is)
-Stephanie ScuXXXX St. Louis, MO . From: S. ScuXXX skw_22@yahoo.com Sent: Fri 2/26/10 1:59 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Sorry it took so longβ been busy, here is a picture of Ashur. Thanks again, take care. From: Andy AlbXXX dysfunctional_man@XXXX.com Sent: Wed 2/03/10 11:33 AM Ft. Drum, New York *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
A very happy Great Dane ownerβ:
Hey, this is Andrew. Sorry it took so long to reply. Me and Ashur are doing great. I am convinced that he is the smartest dog I’ve ever owned. Ashur is already trained to use a bell when he needs to go outside and knows his name and all the basic commands, and he’s less than 12 weeks old! I get comments all the time about how beautiful his coat and brindle colors are. I couldn’t have asked for more. Thanks for all the help in getting here to Fort Drum and I wish you the best. If anyone ever asks me where they should get a Great Dane from… I will refer them to you without hesitation. Andrew From: Andy AlbXXX dysfunctional_man@XXXX.com Sent: Sun 1/17/10 7:12 PM Ft. Drum, New York *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hey Roger! Unfortunately, I cannot set up my scanner because the version of WINDOWS on my computer does not support my scanner!! Do you have a fax or anything so I can send you they updated vet notes?? I just want you to be sure that were taking great care of Jackson! He’s already over 31lbs!!! hehehe!! Well I hope all is well and Ill talk to you soon! Leanne, Peter and Jackson From: Leanne MarchXXXX leannemarchXXX@gmail.com Sent: Tue 2/02/10 11:46 AM (Aurora) Toronto, Canada *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
HEY ROGER!!!! ROGERRRR!!! Hey SORRY it took me a while to write!!! It took us some time to get our internet set up properly!! AND I had to get my phone reactivated SO it hasn’t been working!! SORRY I hope your not worried!! BUT we made it home SAFE and sound!! π We had absolutely NO problem at the border… They didn’t even ask me how much Jackson cost!! All they asked for was the paper work AND they let us through!! YAY!! π
Now I haven’t gotten my scanner hooked up yet BUT we brought Jackson to the Vet last week! And let me tell you my Vet was SUPER impressed by you!! He said to me and I QUOTE, “I have never seen a breeder as thorough as this! He really knows what he’s doing”!!! SO my Vet absolutely LOVES Jackson, he said he’s perfectly proportioned and looks like a really good Great Dane!! Thanks SOOOO much Roger for giving me SUCH a great puppy!! He has settled in perfectly and actually sleeps soundly throughout the night in his crate!! He’s growing rapidly AND since he’s a puppy… Every time we turn around he has something new in his mouth hahaha!! We have bought him some different chew toys so were SLOWLY getting his used to the fact that he cant chew anything else but his own toys!!!
Jackson is a beautiful dog and I cant WAIT to watch him grown an develop!! OH and also, Jackson has already learned the SIT command!! He’s so smart… WELL since I just got the internet up and running, I have quite a few emails to catch up on… As soon as I can I will write on your testimonials page AND once I get my scanner hooked up… Ill show you he Vet slips JUST so you know I’m taking great care of your baby!! I have attached some pictures of the little man just so you can see how great Jackson is doing!! Again sorry it took me so long to write!! Hope all is well and Ill talk to you again soon!! Leanne, Peter, and Jackson From: Leanne MarcXXXX leannemarcXXXX@gmail.com Sent: Thu 1/21/10 3:54 PM (Aurora) Toronto, Canada *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, Rex is great! I’m attaching a couple pictures of him but please do not post anything that has my kids in them on the web. Here’s an update on Rex….he’s weighing in around 150, has a wonderful temperament, is the smartest dog I’ve ever been around, and is just a beautiful boy. Katie is his best friend (that’s our 4 year old) and she works on “training” him a couple times a week and just sits and pets him for hours every day. Matthew takes him on walks and he always walks very nicely for him. We’ve really not hit many obstacles in training him (mouthing being the only hard issue to break him of, but we’re good now). He likes to hang out with me at night when the kids are asleep while I read. Oh, and he’s really well behaved when the kids have friends over, not at all territorial. Let me know if you have anything else you’re wondering about. Ann HaXXXXX XXXX@sbcglobal.net date Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 2:14 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page). St. Louis, MO.
Hi Roger — Thanks for your call last week. Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. Rex is doing well — growing like a weed, learning his lessons, scampering around with Matt and Katie. Looks like the onset of puppy puberty is around the corner, so let’s see what challenges that might bring… Wishing you the best. Gene Sat 6/14/08 6:15 AM sesXXXXX@sbcglobal.net St. Louis, MO.
Dogosaurus Rex
Hi Roger – Thanks for the voice message – Sorry I missed your call. Rex is growing like a weed, seems to be taking to both crate training and housebreaking very nicely, and is loved by (and loves) the kids! We’re starting puppy classes next week, but Rex is already doing well on a leash and seems to — occasionally — know what “sit” means. Not bad for 9 weeks or so. We took him for his initial vet check to the vet in Webster Groves, and all checked out nicely except for an umbilical hernia that will need surgery when he gets neutered and intestines tacked. We have another vet visit next week (at a Vet closer to our home in Chesterfield, so our drive won’t be so bad) and a few of the Vets in the practice own Danes. Their trainer has a herd of three Danes, so we’ll know where to go in case some specialized training is needed. Regards and best wishes to you and your wife. Hope you enjoyed your time in St. Louis. Gene Sun 5/25/08 6:17 AM sesXXXXX@sbcglobal.net St. Louis, MO.
Hello, Roger! It’s been quite a while since I’ve received my pup from you, and boy has he grown! Kelso is from the litter of Tiger and Daphne, and although he was the last pup to be sold, I’m sure he is turning out to be one of the largest in the litter! Kelso turned a year old on November 11th, 2009, weighing in at 165, and has been one of the best joys I have had since I picked him up at 3 months old in February of 2008, when he weighed over 100 pounds less!! It is such a joy to come home to such a great dog who couldn’t be happier just to see me. I apologize for taking so long to send in a testimonial, but better late than never, right?
I’ll send pictures along as I take more, but in the meanwhile, I’ve attached a few current shots. The first picture is of Kelso on the day I got him… a few more pictures when we discovered his love of the sprinkler, and of water in general, and then lastly, his new found love of Christmas trees… (he will sit by the tree for hours just staring at it!)
Thank you so much, once again. -Erin YaeXXXX, erinsXXXX@yahoo.com Thu 12/24/09 12:12 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page). St. Louis, MO.
Roger, Hope you got the pictures of Maggee May. We’ll try to send more when she gets all grown up!! We are really enjoying her.
William and Janell EXXXX wmeXXXX@gmail.com Sent: Mon 11/09/09 8:15 PM Bentonville, AR 72712 *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
If this is your experience in locating the breeder that might supply you with your next family member –
don’t put up with it – call me !!! 417-267-3498
To: Sales@GreatDanes4U.com Hi my name is April
I have been searching for about a week now to find a Brindle Great Dane, it’s my dream dog I just love them and have always wanted one. But, one of three things keep happening. either, North Dakota is not in there are for the shelter (that’s for all the big dog shelters I’ve been able to find. Two the breeders demand to be able to go search your home before letting you buy a puppy. or three they want $2,200 for it not including shipping or gas for travel and there not even registered puppies! It just seams so WRONG!!! either you live to far away to take the time you’d like to go have tea with the family so that they might consider thinking about possibly MAYBE Allowing you to buy one of there several hundred dollar puppies….. MAYBE, after you pay a lay away fee of course, OR they have you fill out a three page essay of what’s your house like what would you do if, did you know about Great Danes, and on and on and on and on and on and on….. I’ve filled out 5 of those thing now and each and every time I get back the same darn thing North Dakota is To far away to go see if you house is suitable!!! WHY!! It’s so fricken wrong!!
I love dogs I have saved the past three dogs my family has owned off the streets and I’ve even saved 4 cats off the streets in my past 15 years of life and Now that I FINELY have my own house and only one tubby kitty for company, and I can afford to have my dream dog…. why the heck do I just get the brush off?!?! I don’t get it!
The reason I’m writing you this is because you didn’t have an essay… you simply said write if you had any questions….so…… what do you need to know about me to maybe possibly consider thinking about sort of considering evaluating me so that you can also tell me ND, USA is to far away to even look at thinking about maybe allowing me to but one of you Brindle (preferably a pure color) Great Dane puppy? I’m really starting to think that you half to be part of the Illuminati to get a puppy haha either that or parry of the Knights Templar. haha thanks for letting me rant even if you just delete this e-mail it just seams that all the “top-breeders” forget that at one point in time they where out there looking to buy there first puppy to, and it’s not like the old days where you sent to the mall grabbed a puppy but down you $30 dollars and left I know a puppy will set me back but I want one male/female Doesn’t matter, one that I can register and train (maybe enter in a dog show or two ^_^ wouldn’t that be something!!) perhaps even be able to bread even if it’s just once when my doggy is getting older and I want to bread it to another Brindle Great Dane so that I can have my pick of the puppies and then find good homes for the others that would be AMAZING just to do that one time, JUST ONCE! but…. that brings me back to my same problem…. no one will sell me a puppy to begin with! I have three guest rooms so that if some one wanted to come up here for the weekend it would be just fine but they ALL say no it’s to far.
Why the heck can there not be a Great Dane breeder up her in North Dakota! *Sigh!* it’s just so disheartening… I’m tempted to just buy one of those internet puppies that they sale to early and then just through into a box and send to you. but I don’t want to buy from a place like that because it’s encouraging them….. and those pore puppies look so unhealthy and frail. ok ok I’ll shut up know and send this e-mail so you can either write me back and say I’m crazy, obsess, and live to far away to consider for adoptions, or simply for you to delete this mail either way it felt good to type my frustrations out so thanks for that ^_^
Sincerely April XXXXX (apriljXXXX@hotmail.com Sent: Mon 10/26/09 2:25 AM
I had to add this email due to the many emails like it I do get.
I can only hope she will permit me a chance to Show-Her what a “Quality Breeder” is like!
How’s it going Roger?
Been doing pretty well over here with Duke. He’s been maturing very well, in fact when we took him to the vet he said he was one of the highest quality Danes he’s ever seen. Duke is close around 70lbs and very healthy. This guy has been in practice over 30 years, my wife’s parents have been using him since before she was born. He is a goof with a lot of personality and is always getting into things. Thankfully its not the getting into things he shouldn’t be and destroying the house, just very adventurous and fearless. Semper Fi Rory XXXXXton XXXXXtonhpd@yahoo.com Thu 10/22/09 4:31 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hello! Thank you! I’ve been reading you website, it has a lot of information and since I want to digest every bit of it, it might take me a while. The dog is awesome, he loves to cuddle and be with me. I have an Australian shepherds, they are great dogs, but a little bit more independent, this puppy sure likes the contact, and to be with me all the time, I read sometime ago that even though Great Danes are good with people, they are more a one owner type of dog, which I love. He has walked Rochester city up and down and already knows where and when to do its necessities, he’s very smart, still kind of clumsy, but smart. We’ve taken him to dog parks and its doing great. One day we had a lot of activities and I didn’t want it to live it alone, so I hired a dog sitter and she is in love with him, she told me he loved to sleep with her cats also. Tomorrow we are taking him to a vet for a general check up.
I read on the internet that American Great Danes tend to be more tall and sleek, while Euro Great Danes tend to be more bulky, what type of Great Danes are his parents? Do you know how tall is Sunny and Daphne? more less? maybe that way I can have an idea of how tall this one might be.
Thank you for breeding this puppy, it has come after a very difficult loss, one month ago a guy accidentally shot my girlfriend while we where holding hands and she died in my arms. This puppy has given me happiness again, have brought light to my eyes and I really think he has a little bit of her in him. I owe you a lot, so be sure this puppy is going to be taken excellent care of, and its going to be raised in a very loving environment.
take care, Diego XXXX XXX dsegXXX@hotmail.com Wed 7/29/09 10:28 AM
Hello, I just received as a present one of your puppies. Its a son of Sunny and Daphne, I was wondering if you could give me a little bit of information about them. Thanks, Diego XXXX XXX dsegXXX@hotmail.com Mon, 27 Jul 2009 19:04:24
Hi Roger, I just wanted to let you know we have had Sullivan for about 2 weeks now and he went to his first vet appointment yesterday, the vet was impressed at how well you took care of our little guy. He is absolutely perfect! We are amazed at how well he behaves and he is already starting to follow commands and is doing awesome with housebreaking. We were expecting the worst based on how our Dalmatian was as a puppy but he has been great. We are amazed at how much he has grown in 2 weeks, I’ll send you pictures soon. Thank you again for giving me so much helpful information and for making this process so easy, we couldn’t be happier.
Thanks again, Holly XXXXX Columbus Ohio HBAXXX@aol.com Tue 4/28/09 7:37 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Roger, Stella and Goldie are doing great and doing particularly well together. Stella has done a good job showing Goldie the ropes…they crack me up. They picked up on the leash thing much faster than I would have ever anticipated and are consistently the most well-behaved dogs wherever we happen to be. I will write in more detail after we (ALL of us) get back from a trip to Oregon this week. Thanks again for the wonderful critters. Cheers, Tyler XXXXX t.leoXXXX@att.net Sun 3/22/09 11:28 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Greetings, My name is Tyler Leonard and I am thinking about visiting to check out your dogs this weekend. I will call tomorrow (Wednesday) and discuss specifics but wanted to give you my name and information now so you have an idea who I am when I call.
Here is a little background: I currently live in Ventura County, CA. I grew up with Labs and haven’t had a dog in many years as I have been on active duty in the Marine Corps as a helicopter pilot. I have been interested in Great Danes for a few years now and decided a while back that would be the next dog for me (based on the sage advice of a fellow helicopter pilot who grew up with them in Virginia). I am done with the deploying part of my career so I am ready for a dog. I am not looking for a show dog but rather a companion or companions. In fact, my biggest question is are two better than one? Reason would have me believe that two is good so they have each other. I am primarily interested in Fawns and Brindles but would gladly take a purple one if it happens to be the one I’m struck with. Simply put, I have color preferences but don’t really care that much.
I had originally planned on trying to get a dog from a rescue but am having a hard time finding younger Great Danes and like the fact that your animals appear to be well socialized. Please let me know what you think. I will call sometime today and plan to look for plane tickets to come out this weekend if you’re available. If you would like to email information to me before I call please send it to the address above as well as tyler.leoXXXXX@navy.mil I look forward to talking.
Cheers, Tyler XXXXX t.leoXXXX@att.net Tue 2/17/09 10:12 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, I found your picture section while reading about Danner ( I wish I could take him, Roo would love having a friend who could keep up with her ) and noticed I needed to up date Roo’s pics to show how she turned out.
She is such a hoot. We have added a Ferret to our mix and she has decided it’s hers so she protects it from the cat and the collie Bailey. Thanks again for Roo Kris & Jess Wed 3/11/09 10:25 AM XXXXX@mail.stcharles.k12.mo.us St. Louis, MO. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hey Roger, We’re sending along pics of Samson from Blackie’s Nov. 2nd 2008 Litter. We picked him up on Feb. 2nd 2009. We are having an awesome time watching him grow! He’s adjusted so well.
Thanks again Michael & Melissa XXXXXXX mkaiXXXXX@hotmail.com Mon 2/23/09 8:30 PM Fort L. Wood, MO. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hola Roger. What’s up, over here its cold, but nothing like u are used to. hope I’m not texting u 2 much. Hopefully I can send u a picture soon. He’s playing fetch with my youngest right now. We got the carpet so clean yesterday so I’m sure he will mark his place in the house some more. Thank u so much for letting us have him, he’s amazing…See Ya, Sarah CanofXXXXX@aol.com Thu 1/29/09 10:17 AM Longview, TX
It was great to hear from you, and I hope I can meet the expectations for my little man (Maddox’s) the big guy actually, but I will call him that until until his last breath, because he gets excited when I say little man because he knows mommy’s home. I promise to take great care of him, and give him endless love and affection, and if you need anything, or just wanting to know how he is doing, don’t hesitate to write me or call. I didn’t just buy a dog from you, but a friend….hopefully….
I’m a hottie,sexy,30year old woman that Maddox likes to look at. ohh and the $100 I need for a potty break…sorry but Im a paramedic. We make no money. (lol) Catch ya later… CanofXXXXX@aol.com Wed 1/28/09 1:56 AM Longview, TX
Hello Roger when I spoke to you on new years, I told you I would keep you updated on the puppy my husband and daughter came to get on then 22nd of December. I cant say enough about how pleased I am with him. We named him Maddox, and my god he has grown. In the last weeks. I have always had small or medium dogs, is getting a big dog I was nervous about. But let me tell ya he may be big butt he is still is a baby inside. The first 2 days we brought him home I was sad cause he followed my daughter, and now I would pay $ 100;00 to just go take a pee with no audience. He is drop dead hansom the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. He is perfect to me and I wouldn’t change anything about him, and ohh my goodness can that dog eat, and yes he is spoiled ,with lots of treats to make his tummy happy. I’ve had him only a couple weeks, but I have fallen in love love with that” mommy’s little man” (my little name I game him) I love him so much, and their is nothing I wouldn’t do for him. To my husband dogs r just pets, but to everybody else see
him as as a family and would pay anything to get him better if he was sick. Now the only problem with him the potty training, and separation, He cries when I leave and theirs lots of people here with him. so 90% of the time, he goes with me. Leave your cell# and will send you a pic, and don’t worry, he has a great home here. Later, Sarah (Maddox) mommy CanofXXXX@aol.com Tue 1/27/09 10:23 AM Longview, TX
HI Roger.. How cool to have the police take the pups in the escort car!, I bet that was a sight!..,yeh, my brother and mom came to visit tonight for a few minutes. they were so worried about getting back to ” the girls” after just a few moments. the black lab is getting used to them now, it took awhile and constant watching .they have not picked names yet. they have been busy with them, and Jon said when he tries to eat each time, the blue one gets in his face and steals his food! He said HE might be able to get some food at some point! I checked Petco and Blue Buffalo was way to expensive 32.00 for a med bag! I got the Eucanuba and they did not seem to be real interested in it. we have 4 foods now for them to chose from. they have 2 collars each , 6 leashes, and 5 toys to chew, 2 new blankets, and big beds from Costco!. Jon says the blue one is attached to him more and will come and lick him if Blackie bites him too much!,,,both very different babies! I went to visit last night for a few minutes and they were so loving, but Blackie was munching on a greenie bone and they were fighting over it…they are too cute. both right in the middle of my brother’s bed making themselves totally at home!… I will write again soon. I have not checked the mail yet today, and its late tonight, so I will get out there tomorrow…..take care….! Susan LbabyXXXX@aol.com Tue 1/13/09 2:57 AM Sacramento, CA
HI Roger I sat down and wrote you a nice big testimonial letter tonight and I am so tired I tried to send it and bam, aol strikes again. it would not let me send it. it’s funny -cute and long winded but you can pic what you want to put on your site,. I am getting pics at Wal-Mart soon. the girls are fine, and we had a hoot of a time last night with them….it was quite the experience which- I detail in my letter (I can not email the letter cause I can not find the damn thing!) I will send you my letter snail mail ….talk with you soon wait till you hear how they pup woke up on the bed this AM its way too funny I hate to flippin’ type so I got to go to bed it nearly 4am….I have to find a new aol 9.1 reload and and fix this thing again….I watched your animal planet ( did not see your dogs though (just a puppy video) and looked at the mom and dad tonight- Tiger and Daphne…they are gorgeous….Tiger is big! I can see a bit of the bump on one of the other pups- it just must be a miss information thing- no biggie, I think he’ll grow into it. Sage fell asleep right on grandma last night, it was the cutest thing I have seen!! She is smitten with both girls… just as I had hoped!! Jon woke up with one pup Blackie on his head and one Sage under his arm !….will write again when- I am not wiped out. oh WHAT -food did you send they would not eat our Purina puppy?…Susan LbabyXXXX@aol.com Sun, 11 Jan 2009 06:49 Sacramento, CA
Good evening Roger! I just thought I would give some updated information on Evey. I was just at your page looking at dogs. Saw Eve’s sister is still available as well as a Solid Blue. Eve does need a companion and once again we are contemplating on getting another dog or possibly a cat. Who knows!?!?!
Anyway Eve is doing very well, it turned out that the UTI was in fact not a UTI. It was an infection in her vulva called vaginitis. She is on the last round of antibiotics for that and it is looking in a upward direction. I have seen no discharge from her vulva in the past week and a half. YAY!! I think she (knock on wood) is getting a bit higher of an immune system finally.
So a little information not concerning medical matters… She was last weighed in at 111 pounds about 2 weeks ago.. and growing. She snores as loud as a human if she lays funny. It is hilarious. I taped it on my phone. She is now sleeping in her HUGE kennel at night. We tried the sleeping on her bed in our room and that was not happening. She would wake up constantly trying to get in bed with us. So the final decision came to kenneling at night. The kennel is literally huge though so she can still stretch out. The neighbors have a dog and it kept getting into our yard.. digging under fence π The good of that.. Eve was having a blast playing with her.. the bad… there are holes everywhere in my backyard that now have to be filled. I hope she grows out of the digging stage soon. She has become quite the couch potato as well as a couch hog. She thinks she can just take over the whole thing even when others are sitting on there. lol. Lets see what else has the stinker been up to…Oh when she comes in from outside she sits and lifts up her front paws for us so we can wipe the dirt off in the attempt of keeping the carpet clean. However with the rain here all the time its a full time job of vacuuming the floor. I think that is all I have to tell for now. She is getting so big and we just love her to death. Couldn’t be happier with her!!!
Jessica XXXXX (mommy of Evey or Blue #3) Jessica H (kissXXXX@yahoo.com) Mon 1/19/09 7:38 PM Fort Lewis, WA *(See Clients’ Photos <+ Movie Clip>)
Hey Roger! It’s 4am so I figured I better not call. I am more interested in the Brindle born in January than the black ones. I know someone that has a brindle and she is gorgeous. Plus since she is a bit older it will be easier on us. Since we have Eve that is solid colored I thought that a multi colored one would be better. I have been talking to Lee and he doesn’t mind if we get another one. We just can’t get it til we are about to leave for Lewis! Or possible mid October.
Evey is turning out to be quite the wonderful dog. She still sleeps in the bed with me, but that will stop as soon as we get the sit/stay learned, so i can tell her to stay in her own bed. Oh did i mention before that she is 64 pounds and none of that is fat. She still has a wonderful figure!! We love her to death. I think Lee and I have decided we aren’t going to have children just pets. I don’t think I could handle raising a child. My nerves are tested a lot with Eve when she is being a lil…. shit if I may say so.
Jessica Junction City, KS (soon to be in Fort Lewis, WA) Jessica H (kissoXXX@yahoo.com) Sun, 24 Aug 2008
Hey Roger, Evey is doing awesome! She is being an ornery lil pup, but she is too sweet. Sorry I haven’t emailed sooner, things have been kinda crazy around here. She is really awesome about going outside to potty, unless mommy and daddy forget that its been a while since she was out. π She is eating really well. Only concern is that she gets hiccups ALOT! She is up to 47 pounds now, was 39 when we got her. Took her to the vet the day after we got her and Doc said everything was great. I am feeding her PurinaOne Large Breed Adult Food now and she is loving it. We are doing a lil crate training for when we are gone during the day for a couple hours, so far so good with it. Only had one accident and that was the first time we left her for an hour. She sleeps with me and Lee in the bed and is a bed hog!!!! When we wake up, Lee and I are normally on the edge of the bed and she has taken over the center all stretched out and we have a queen size bed. She sleeps through the whole night, and has gotten into routine. That is a great plus besides she is used to getting up around 5am when Lee gets up to go to PT and well now he is gone for a couple months for some training and I have to drag my butt out of bed at 5am! Ugh!! I am going to start some obedience classes for some extra help with training since Lee is gone and 4-6 months is the good training age! She LOVES Frisbees, but not for throwing and fetching….but for chewing! I paid $11 for a Nylabone for her to chew on and she chose the $1 Frisbee instead. That figures. She has her own lil pink basket that her toys go in and she goes and picks them out slowly one by one so mommy (me) has to gone through the house and pick up all the toys again. Walking on a leash is doing awesome as well. The day we picked her up it was difficult, but she is doing awesome now. She is rather timid around new people and places, but I have read that that is her age, and plus since you are in the country there aren’t so many different noises, people, and new things. So we are slowing taking her out to public places to be around people, new noises, and areas. I have done lots of reading and it says its normal for them to be timid but to slowly take them out to socialize, but not to be forceful. Anyway that is a BIG update on Evey. She is an official AKC puppy!! Thanks for the awesome pup Roger!! She fits in so well being ornery!! Jessica Junction City, KS (soon to be in Fort Lewis, WA) Jessica H (kissoXXX@yahoo.com) Fri 7/25/08 8:12 AM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hello Roger, I know it has been a while, and I am truly sorry for that. A lot has happened in the past few months and I’ve been trying to sort it all out. Shortly after I last spoke to you, my wife was killed by a drunk driver. We had also learned that she was pregnant. I do apologize for my delayed response to you. It has been a rough past few months, but Andrew has made a soaring change in character. He is now a lively, energetic, loving, playful, and huge hearted Great Dane. He’s also growing to. He’s a wonderful dog, he’s truly been a great friend through being injured in Iraq and losing fellow soldiers, and most importantly my dear wife. I don’t know what I would have done without him. I’m thinking about getting another Great Dane as well, hopefully you’ll have some Blue’s within the next couple of months. Also, I’m attaching some pictures of Andrew for you and your wife. Thank you for Andrew, I know I came to you, but thank you for having him. I knew when I bought him that I would return for another Dane one day, and now it’s concrete. I’ve spoken volumes about you and your Danes anytime anyone asks where I got them and I give them the website so hopefully you’ve had some luck with that, Take care and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Kevin XXXX kevin.buXXXX@gmail.com Wed 11/12/08 2:07 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Here is my testimonial, I apologize it took so long to do it.
After returning home from Iraq where I was injured, I sought out a dog to help with the healing process. I searched for a very long time, trying to find the right breed. I came across Roger White’s site and after reviewing the pictures, videos, and other testimonials, I was instantly sold. Roger was very courteous and professional when I dealt with him on the phone. I drove down from Virginia to pick up the puppy (which my wife and I named Andrew) and was well received by Roger, his wife, and their dogs. It was an extremely pleasant experience all around. Andrew and I drove back to Virginia, an entire 1100 miles, and he was an excellent travel companion.
Andrew was shy at first, he didn’t want to eat, and wouldn’t get up and play for the first week and a half, and the whole time Roger called 1-2 times a day to check on Andrew’s progress. He even spoke with the Vet on the phone while I was in the clinic with Andrew, and Roger made the whole situation easier. One day Andrew, realizing that this was going to be his home and family, emerged out of his shell. Now he eats like a horse and is a hit with the neighborhood kids!! My wife passed away recently and little (now big) Andrew has been nothing but a God send, and great friend. He is a very sweet and good natured dog, he has been there through coming home from Iraq and losing my wife. Roger White truly produces amazing Great Danes, you can tell from the first day that they came from a good home. I can only hope that Roger has no intention of every stopping what he does because it will be a sad day for all Great Dane owners who have gotten Great Danes from him.
Thank you Roger, you’re a great person, fellow Veteran, and good friend.
Sergeant Kevin Burns, US Army Kevin XXXX kevin.buXXXX@gmail.com Wed 11/12/08 1:26 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
**Note: pup did weigh 103 pounds at barely 6 months in Vet’s office! π
what we think
HI Its Mallory….Vyse’s Mom. We just got home from the Vet who almost fell in the floor when he saw this dog. He said it was absolutely perfect in conformation, and personality. He said he was glad to see that some breeders still know what they are doing. He was also very impressed that Roger wanted me to come out and see the parents!! I was happy to tell him I got him from GREATDANES4U and would bring him some pens and business cards. We will definitely buy from GREATDANES4U again!!!
Mallory XXXXX (malloryXXXXX@rocketmail.com ) Jonesboro, AR. Wed 10/15/08 11:49 AM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
here are the pictures of Axle and Vyse the ones of them eating are in the “dog room” we just cleared out the furniture and let them have it…..a great place to hop around and rough house!!! also the bay window is great for looking out of and a nice elavated place to eat!!!
Mallory XXXXX (malloryXXXXX@rocketmail.com ) Jonesboro, AR. Thu 10/30/08 7:55 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hey Roger, Mason. The King. Where do I start with his “cute-ness”? He has a girlfriend who lives next door. Her name is Addie and she’s a pug………..she’s really not much bigger than Mason’s whole head. They’re separated by a chain-link fence, but they manage to exchange kisses. Mason likes to show off for her as well. Addie tries to dig a hole under the fence in order to get closer to Mason. He also has another girlfriend who is a 2 month old “Pugle” (pug/beagle). Her name is Peyton, and her colorings are exactly like Mason’s. She’s practically no bigger than Mason’s snout. Mason opens his mouth and she sticks her little head in it (while her owner is holding her and I’m “holding” Mason). He doesn’t clamp down on her head, he just keeps his mouth opened wide and wags his tail. Then she pulls her head out and licks his nose. When my son, Bennett, goes to bed, Mason’s routine is to jump on the bed and snuggle with him until Bennett falls asleep. Bennett calls Mason “My Pup-Ness”. I’ve already described his crate with the couch cushions located in his own bedroom. I’ve actually taken the door off of his crate. There’s no need for it……..at least with Mason. My home business is tutoring, so I have many students coming in and out of here. I have a few students who are not “bothered” by Mason at all, and Mason actually snoozes on the floor while I’m conducting my lessons. The ex-husband actually tries to hug me every once in a while, and Mason is there in a heartbeat to push him off. Good dog!! Mason also supervises Bennett’s piano lessons. He likes Bennett’s quirky piano teacher. He doesn’t like the rain or the cold, and he becomes very “dainty” when he gets wet from the rain……seemingly walking on tip-toes while banging on the door to be let back in. I vacuum and shampoo the cream colored carpets thru-out the house A LOT. His body is big and broad, his paws are huge, but it looks to me (but not to anyone else though) that his head still has to grow into those floppy ears of his. When he turns his head quickly, those huge, floppy ears slap him in his face. I always have to “fix” them for him because they’re usually flipped back. And he still has that “clean” black snout. Sounds like I’m talking about a newborn baby, doesn’t it? Mason Allen is truly cherished around here! Deborah XXXXX DeborahXXXXX@comcast.net Thu 10/30/08 9:29 PMChicago, IL.
Helloooooo Roger! I am SO sorry that I haven’t been in touch for months and months. Too many things have gone on….adjusting to divorced life, moving to a new house, two deaths in the family, and most recently, starting a new business. Anyway, my BABY is doing just fine. I should get my “lazy” butt up right now and transfer a photo or two from my camera to the computer, but I’m just that right now….lazy. Mason Allen is like having a 150 lb. toddler! So far, his sweet little brain hasn’t caught up with the size of his body yet….his facial expressions and body movements scream out PUPPY!!! He can’t stand being away from me…one of the reasons why I started a business from home (just kidding). He’s spoiled rotten (even got his own bedroom in the new house — complete with couch cushions as a “mattress” for his crate). I haven’t contacted JoAnne either out in Newark. Do you know how Clyde is doing? I think she had mentioned back then that she changed his name, though. Hope all is well with you and your family… Deborah XXXXX DeborahXXXXX@comcast.net Wed 10/15/08 10:05 PM Chicago, IL.
Hi Roger You probably got my gushy voice message! Anyway, I called JoAnne XXXXXX tonight. She’s quite a lady. At first I thought: Oh my, a great grandmother with an invalid husband out on a farm ….and a Dane puppy! Then we’re talking, and I discover she has two additional grown Danes. We talk a bit more and I come to find out that she has TWENTY ONE Great Danes. Twenty one!!! And as if THAT wasn’t enough, I come to find out that she has 11 llamas. I didn’t ask her anymore questions. I’m definitely going to take the boys out to see their sister. I just gotta check this out. Deborah XXXXX Chicago, IL. DeborahXXXXX@comcast.net
Hey Roger… The pup-pups (as my son calls them) are doing fabulous. They are the cutest damn things I’ve ever seen. Life is delicious! Deborah XXXXX DeborahXXXXX@comcast.net Sat 11/10/07 10:40 PM Chicago, IL.
Hey Roger! “Clyde” is doing great. He played, drank water, and peed outside. He also let Mason know who was “the boss” at the beginning. However, Mason seems to be the dude in charge right now. Clyde also chowed. Both he and Mason love the pig’s ear chew that you sent. They were spatting between themselves in order to take possession of it. I’ve had those pig’s ears in the past (not personally, mind you) so I’ll plan on stocking up. One of the first things I noticed about Clyde was that he is quite the “grunt-er”. Whenever he’s picked up, he goes through his entire grunting routine. I could just eat him up. And his tail has been wagging the whole time. They’re both resting comfortably right now in side-by-side crates downstairs in the family room. Deborah XXXXX DeborahXXXXX@comcast.net Tue 10/16/07 6:10 PM Chicago, IL.
Hey Roger, Excellent! Bennett still doesn’t know that Mason’s brother is arriving tomorrow. I’m like a kid on Christmas Eve right now. Except I’m the one who knows “the secret”. I can’t wait to see the “sweet one”. I still haven’t come up with a name for him though. Mason is one damn awesome puppy. I can’t wait to see what he’s going to do when he sees his brother tomorrow. All the best, Deborah XXXXX Chicago, IL. DeborahXXXXX@comcast.net Mon 10/15/07 9:36 PM
Hi Roger! Mason is resting peacefully in his new digs. He is the most precious thing I’ve ever seen (even more so than my beloved Dane, “Scooby”). He is absolutely beautiful!!!!! I’m considering asking you for one of Mason’s male siblings. Whatcha’ got? Deborah XXXXX DeborahXXXXX@comcast.net Sat 10/13/07 6:19 PM Chicago, IL.
he Great Gatsby must have made an impression in Egypt…
Hi there, I wish to have a male brindle, would it be possible to ship one of yours to Egypt
If yes would you please let me know the method of payment, and what kind of guarantee I do have, once I have transferred the money to your bank account ? Sorry to ask but just to know, since I have never bought any thing over internet. Thank you for your help regards Ahmed Elhalwagi (XXXhalwagi@hotmail.com) Mon 9/15/08 11:30 PM
Hi Roger, Just wanted to let you know that Gatsby was a legend and successfully made the long trip to Egypt and has finally acclimated herself to the insanity of Cairo. Though we haven’t made it to the pyramids–and may not for sometime as they are a 2+ hour commute from my house and taxi drivers aren’t keen to have the monster Dane in their back seats. Just wanted to give you the update and thank you again for all your help! Best, KJL, (Kaitlyn J XXXXX) American University in Cairo, Egypt. Sun 9/14/08 8:23 AM jakXXXXX@msn.com
RE: The Great Gatsby & Kaitlyn Reviews are missing…
Roger, Sorry I have taken so long to write you about the dog, but she is great. She was scared witless after the insanity of air travel, but after one hour in the car and 10 minutes at the rest stop, she was mine! She has been glued to my side ever since. Since I picked her up last week, she has come along great. She is potty trained, comes when called, knows her name, plays well with children, pups, dogs and horses. Gatsby is an all-around great dog. Her crate was massive and seemed therefore spacious for a pup of her size and yet was easy enough for me to disassemble it by myself and load in the car at airport parking. She spent her first day on a road trip to Canada and demonstrated from the beginning that all-important trait of being able to ‘chill’ when necessary. She seems to travel well, so fingers crossed at her upcoming trip to Cairo! Thanks for all your help in this new and unfamiliar territory Roger, and EVERYONE wants to know where I got my pup.
Best,KJL, (Kaitlyn J XXXXX) American University in Cairo, Egypt. Tue 7/01/08 6:30 PM jakXXXXX@msn.com
RE: Puppy has landed in Seattle
Hey Roger, I finally am back in Canada with Gatsby. they just about gave me a stroke this morning though. 1st I went to the cargo area and they told me she will be with the regular luggage at the baggage claim. ok. well, then they tell me she didn’t make it on the flight. turns out she was ‘ghosted’ or something, ie not listed in the cargo manifest. they did find her after a while of searching the computer, I just rented one of those luggage carts and it worked perfectly. she was scared out of her mind by the time I got her.
She didn’t go to the bathroom in the crate and went pee a little in the parking area, but she held it 30 min to a rest stop where she and I finally got along. she figured out there, that I was her human and has been 2 inches from my side since then. she has yet to poop, but I will try again with her soon, she is eating dinner now. and now it is my turn to eat. will call you after.
Sorry I couldn’t call you earlier, my US cell had been on all week and the battery had died.
Speak soon, KJL, (Kaitlyn J XXXXX) American University in Cairo, Egypt. Mon 6/23/08 8:05 PM jakXXXXX@msn.com
Yuri is doing absolutely amazing! I think and everyone keeps telling me that he has the cutest face in the world!!! He does this thing with his head that just makes everyone melt and he gets whatever he wants. He is still learning very fast too. He knows sit, stay, come, and up. I am soo proud of him. He has made a few new friends too. There is a harlequin great dane that he has had play dates with, and he is best friends with a German shepard/ Rottweiller mix puppy. To tell you the truth of everything I was prepared for he has definitely risen above all of my expectations! Thank you again Roger for adding a new member to my family!!!
Adam & Yuri FreddyvsjasonXXXX@aol.com Sun 7/27/08 2:56 PM Buffalo NY *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Puppy Update
Hello Roger, I thought I would give you a update on little (not for too long) Yuri. I decided to name him Yuri by the way. After taking him to his first vet check-up he was given a perfect bill of health. He has no flees, ticks, or worms at all!!! He is in perfect condition and everyone has fallen in love with him! Those two sores that were on his upper lips that I had told you about earlier were from him accidentally biting his lips. The vet says there is absolutely nothing to worry about because he is eating fine and they don’t give him any pain.
I had socialized him with a Cavalier King Charles for the first time and at first he was a little nervous but after about five minutes he was romping around and having a blast! He is an excellent dog and he catches on and picks up everything really really quick. Sunday I had started his training (I had helped train large marine mammals before but never canines) and yesterday was the first time that he had sit without a treat!!! I couldn’t be more happy with him! I have been crate training him so that he won’t pee in the house and he hasn’t yet! He will hold it until he goes outside and more preferably in the backyard. He is an excellent sleeper too.
I can’t tell you how happy I am with him! Everyone has fallen in love with him especially myself.
Thank you Roger (you definitely know what you are doing)!
-Adam- FreddyvsjasonXXXXXX@aol.com Fri 6/13/08 2:09 PM Buffalo NY *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
*Please Note the email and the Date sent as well!
Also note: Adam did purchase an all Black Male, (fitting)!*
Hello Roger,this is just to touch base with you. Cleo is now 110 lb., she is spayed and very healthy. John and I are soon to be moving to S.C. on three acres and so Cleo will have plenty of space to run and dig. We’ll keep in touch. Eva and John E10XXXX@comcast.net Thursday, July 3, 2008 6:22 PM Portland Tennessee *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Subject: Pictures of Cleo Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 23:43:24 Hello Roger, here are some pictures of Cleo, she is now 45 lb. and doing great. John and I did get her off our bed, she now sleeps on her own pillow on the floor. Still likes her yogurt which she gets every day. Cleo is well behaved and we’re Sooooooooo happy to have her. We’ll keep in touch. John and Eva Portland Tennessee *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, Cleo is adjusting very well since we got home on Tuesday evening. She had a vet visit on Wednesday and received few booster shots including parvo. By the way it’s a good thing that we have a king size bed , Cleo took up residence in the middle of it. She is eating well and loves her yogurt. No problem house training, only one small slip up, as you said she is GREAT. We will send few pictures soon. 5/26/07 8:56 PM Portland Tennessee
Subject: Pictures of Cleo Hello Roger, here are some pictures of Cleo, she is now 45 lb. and doing great. John and I did get her off our bed, she now sleeps on her own pillow on the floor. Still likes her yogurt which she gets every day. Cleo is well behaved and we’re Sooooooooo happy to have her. We’ll keep in touch. John and Eva Sun, 24 Jun 2007 23:43:24 Portland Tennessee *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
The following is note written from sad owners of a returned puppy – things happen, (other dog issue!!!)
Dear Great Dane Lover:
Anyone looking for a perfect Fawn Great Dane puppy owes it to themselves to take a look at this beautiful 8 week old female.
We were so privileged to have her in our home for one week. During that time she practically potty trained herself, knew where everything was and what was hers and what was not, showed nothing but a wonderful disposition and made us all fall in love with her.
Unfortunately Ethel, our 8-year-old boxer, felt differently. Ethel was initially very good with her, but as the week went on, she became increasingly more upset and started snapping at her without any warning. The normal establishing who was boss was fine, but this was much more aggressive and we could not handle the possibility of our little pup getting hurt. After agonizing over what our options were, we knew that we had to return the puppy to GreatDanes4U and let Roger find a home for her that would not be filled with unexpected danger and terror.
We will be coming to GreatDanes4U for a Great Dane puppy once our Boxer Ethel has enjoyed the rest of her one-dog-household life with us.
In the meantime, we highly recommend our little puppy in particular and any other dogs GreatDanes4U has. We have never seen so many absolutely wonderful dogs. Thank you Robin XXXXX and Sue XXXXX May 15, 2008
Hey Roger…My name is Steve. I bought a Great Dane from you a few years back. I drove all the way from St Louis MO on a hot day. She was the pick of the litter that you had marked. Don’t know if you remember her or not cause you have so many puppies. She had quite a long ride home but luckily didn’t throw up or anything. I stopped in Sullivan at the Wal-Mart there to let her go to the bathroom. And there in Sullivan was her first time smelling McDonalds lol. I stopped there to grab a bite to eat. She didn’t move the whole ride until i got up to the pick up window. As soon as I rolled down the window and the smell of food got in the car she shot right up with curious eyes and drooling mouth. lol It was sooo freakin’ funny man. Cause the rest of the ride she was just laying there scared and perhaps home sick and missing her family already. But as soon as that smell got in the car BAMN!! She shot up and started with that nose in the air and almost crawling into my lap. And you know i couldn’t resist giving her a little something. Although at the time I made the rule that she would never get human food LOL…That didn’t last very long LOL Not even the truck ride home LOL. She is a very sweet dog. She follows me everywhere I go and wants to do everything that i’m doing. I eventually got her a buddy to play with, from some people I knew wanting to get rid of their dog (male boxer named Drake) They get along great together. Anyway I just wanted to say that her name is Dakota and she is doing awesome. She’s beautiful and very sweet. I love her to death. I’ve attached a picture of her. I really appreciate you helping me with my first Dane. Thanx, Steve Sat 5/03/08 3:57 AM St. Louis, MO.
My wife and I are interested in your puppy. We have been through many of the breeders websites and are impressed with your dedication to your dogs’ long term health and happiness. Please let us know if the puppy is still available. You can reach me at 717-439-XXXX. Thank you, Frank Philadelphia
Hi Roger, I sent you a picture from my phone, when I do that it will come up as my cell # 702.443.XXXX. We are trying to get her to do the “Barbie walking thing” it is so hilarious!! I hope all is well , Kipina is so funny and a Great big girl. Last Sunday she weighed in @ 30lbs. Kipina also backs up to the bottom of the staircase & puts her bottom down like its her own chair— How funny. I’ll get you another picture soon hopefully the Barbie thing. Talk to ya later, London Thu 3/06/08 4:17 PM *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Our long overdue testimonial – sorry
To: Roger White
We became fascinated with the Great Dane breed some time ago and were finally in a position to obtain a pup about a year and a half ago (7-06). We settled on “Great Danes4U” mainly because of the local proximity and because we were sold on Roger’s rearing methods. Sure enough we were not disappointed with our new family member – a fawn male named Max. As a matter of fact, we had no idea having a puppy could be so easy, (very few accidents in the house starting at only 12 weeks old) especially based upon our previous experience with Labs. Unfortunately we attributed too much of our good fortune to the breed itself and decided we would save ourselves a couple bucks by adopting a friend for Max. Long story short, that was a major mistake. The difference was night and day between the two dogs (both Great Danes) and it was quite clearly not going to work out – we returned the new dog to her foster home. Ultimately we realized what a mistake it was to take Roger’s operation for granted and purchased a second brindle male we named Oliver about 3 months ago (10-07). We have had a similarly pleasant experience with Oliver at 8 through 20wks old and they get along famously. They were quite possibly the most valuable purchases we have ever made. Jason and Brandie XXXXX (jbXXXXXXX@comcast.net ) Peculiar, MO *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger, We wanted to see if we could bring Max (Angel and Sunny parents, born 4/30/06) by for a visit with the family. Weβll be not far from town the 4th through the 8th, if youβre available. Also we would have a recently adopted 16 month old mantle Great Dane with us, if thatβs alright. Please let us know if this works for you. I am attaching a few photos of Max. Thanks, Brandie and Jason Tue 7/03/07 1:04 AM
Roger, We brought Max and the female mantel we adopted for a visit around the middle of July. The partnership doesnβt seem to be working out too well with them and we are going to be returning her to the Springfield rescue this weekend (9-22). We wanted to see if you might be available for another visit from Max (one of Angelβs pups from 4-30-06). We also noticed your new litters and thought we might like to get a look at the brindle males. We are trying to time it so that it is a little later in the day β considering your wife. Please let us know if thatβs possible, we are excited to see them. Thanks, Jason and Brandie Wed, 19 Sep 2007 15:56:37 -0500
Max and Oliver I’m just playing around with our new camera and had to send this to you. We’ll be sending out that testimonial email here pretty soon. Jason & Brandie Tue 11/06/07 1:48 PM
!!!!!! Check out when I was recently featured on Animal Atlas TV!!!
Animal Atlas
From: Boyd XXXXX (bmXXXXX@longneedleentertainment.com) Thu 1/03/08 4:17 PM
To: sales@greatdanes4u.com
Hello Roger, I am the Executive Producer of Animal Atlas β would be happy to get you a copy of an episode which included your dogs. Just so I can be sure β are yours tan / brindle? 2-3 dogs?
Perhaps some footage of you hugging them? Please also send me your address and I will mail a DVD.
Happy New Year, Boyd XXXXX
Executive Producer, Animal Atlas 4450 Lakeside Drive, suite 300 Burbank, CA 91505 818.480.4600
From: Peggy Woop [mailto:PWXXXXX@lionsgate.com] Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 8:48 AM
To: Boyd XXXXX
Cc: XXXXXX@debmarmercury.com
Subject: FW: Animal Atlas Boyd, Please see below. Can you help this man?
—–Original Message—–
From: Mike XXXXX [mailto:XXXXX@debmarmercury.com] Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 11:34 AM
To: Peggy XXXX
Subject: FW: Animal Atlas
Peggy, Can you help this man get a copy of this show????
Thanks so much Mike
From: Nancy XXXX [mailto:nanXXX@ozarksfox.com] Sent: Thu 1/3/2008 6:16 AM
To: Mike XXXXX
Subject: Animal Atlas
Hi, Mike, I have been contacted by a man who says that his great danes were taped for Animal Atlas, and someone told him that they had seen them on TV. His name is Roger White, and he is wanting to get a tape or DVD of the show to put on his website. Who does he need to contact about this? His phone number is (417) 267-3498 and his email is sales@greatdanes4u.com He said his website is www.greatdanes4u.com
Thanks. Nancy XXXXX Program Director KSFX Springfield, MO (417) 862-XXXX ext. 319 nanXXX@ozarksfox.com
Animal Atlas
From: Rufus XXXXX (rlXXXX@brpae.com) Sent: Wed 1/02/08 6:08 PM
Hey Roger, Just thought Iβd pass along a few photoβs of Addy. Martha also mentioned to me she saw you on Animal Atlas this morning, exciting! Hope you have a Great 2008! Rufus, Martha, Cheyenne, Sydney, Judah and Addy
Sent: Tue 7/03/07 4:36 PM Hey Roger, Iβve been meaning to respond to you and get you some pictures of Addy. Sheβs doing great and we start puppy training classes this Saturday β oh boy! We also took her to the vet this week and the Vet said sheβs in great health. The Vet also really appreciated the care you took in organizing her shots and such since birth, she even took all the meds that you left with us and pulled the stickers off and put on Addyβs chart for future reference. Iβll get some pics loaded up this weekend and try to send them to you Monday. Have a great 4th of July! Rufus (and Martha) XXXXX and Familyβ¦ and Addy (*Nixa, MO. -note: the only 1 sold in the entire state of MO. out of the Roxy litter!) *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi, This is Nicole. Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner but I have been really busy. The puppy is great. My grandpa loved him. The puppy does not leave his side. He is getting really big from when I bought him from you. When I download the pictures I will send you some if you would like to see what he looks like. Thank you so much for the little guy. He has a great home with a loving owner. My grandpa ended up naming him Cherokee after his old one that past away to honor a good dog. So your puppy is in a great home and is being taken good care of. Thank you again so much we love the little guy. Sincerely, Nicole Mon 11/19/07 11:44 AM Santa Clarita, CA.
Hello there, I am located in Vermont, looking for a Fawn male and female. I noticed on your website that you are expecting Fawn puppies on Thanksgiving and you also seem to have the best quality care for your prices. I want beautiful Great Danes for breeding that will produce beautiful pups! I am wondering if you can keep me up-to-date on the puppies you are expecting and also the price you will be selling them at. Shipping will also be a cost, and if you could include that with your price estimates, it would be appreciated. If we come to an agreement about the purchase of a puppy or two, I will definitely want to set up a webcam session when they arrive!!! Thank you for all your help, Floral Sun 10/28/07 9:21 AM
Albert all grown up Sent: Tue 7/10/07 8:54 PM Roger, Thought that I would send you a picture of Albert all grown up. He is doing great! I was also wondering if maybe you had a female brindle pup available, or if you might have one soon? Thanks Stevie & Albert in AR
RE: Albert all grown up Sent: Wed 7/11/07 12:35 AM I would be interested in either Kitty or Nabilia, indoor home is a definite thing here, however, I do not fence or chain my big dogs. My toy poodles and Cockers are in kennels. It would be best, no matter the price, that I got a female who is acceptable for the no fence rules. We have 28 acres with a perimeter fence and that is it. Albert has the yard and then some to play in while he is outside. Yes, Albert is 2 years old. I have often considered getting him fixed, but he is by far the most beautiful animal I have ever had, far and above my other Dane, Einstein, who was slightly flawed. How old is Kitty? And Nabilia? Not that there is any rush since both are having litters soon, but when would either one be available? You know, I looked for almost two years to find Albert, I am just going back to the source, so to speak. Thanks for writing back! STEVIE *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Roger, Thanks so much for letting me know you got the check. I am counting the days until I can bring him home. I even told my mom that he is going to be with me at Christmas, we are going to Iowa to visit my family. See ya soon, Stevie
Hey Roger, Albert made the trip home just fine and is right now sleeping under my desk here at work. He slept with us last night and did really well only woke me up once to go outside and that was at 2:30am. Thank you again so much. Stevie
Roger, Just thought I would drop you a line on how Albert is doing. He is growing beautifully, his ear crop turned out perfect. He is probably the most beautiful Dane I have ever seen. I am so happy with my pup, he is fabulous! Thanks again for being there to raise my Albert in the first place! Stevie, Ark *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Roger, Albert is everything I had hoped for and more, he is beautiful and beastly! He gets along well with all the other dogs, except for Shelby, the Peke, she scares him. He does well with the horses, but barks at the ones he doesn’t know. He loves to wrestle and rough house with anyone who will attempt it, but is very gentle with my one year old granddaughter. He hogs the bed but I don’t mind, my husband does. He has free roam on 28 acres and has never wandered off. I love him, I may be wanting another soon!! Trust me I will return to you for all future pups!
I am searching for a fawn male. My Dane past away two summers ago, he was eight years old. I know that a new Dane cannot replace Einstein, but it will help fill a void that I have had since he has been gone. Please contact me at 501-XXX-XXXX, thank you. Stevie, Ark Roger, Last night I went to your website. That is the reason that I chose to write to you. I am not looking for a show quality Dane, but I do want one that is ethically color bred, not some trash bred that came from a cross that should never have been made. I breed American Quarter Horses and understand the ideas of proper crosses. I am also a big fan of breed standards, that is what makes a dog a dog, not a mutt. I live in Arkansas in the north central portion of the state. I have traveled as far as Ohio for a horse so it makes no problem for me to come to Missouri for a puppy. The pup does not have to be perfect in color or markings, my other Dane wasn’t, he had a white toe and a dirty chest, but he was perfect for me. I want a fawn because in my opinion that is the best Dane color, it is my favorite. I will call you sometime today to discuss this further. Thank you for your prompt response. Stevie, Ark
Roger, Please take me off the e-mail list. Also, Cathy and I are very happy with the puppy we picked up last Sunday. The puppy is doing great and will visit the vet on Tuesday. Thanks for calling & have a Great “Dane” Day. Sincerely Rob & Cathy
Subject: Rory Roo Hey Roger, Just wanted to up date my Rory Roo baby and tell you that Jasmin looks like a wonderful person. She’s very pretty and you look very happy. Congratulations!!! Roo (for kangaroo) is doing great! She is turning into a beautiful dog at 100 lb. and 30 in —- I think. She dislikes the yard sick by her side so it’s hard to measure. I know it when she steps on my foot though! My yard is starting to look like a bombing has occurred with all the digging and my remote controls have become her chew toys…. good thing she’s cute. She has done great at socializing we can go anywhere even the dog park and she’s wonderful. It’s like having my own court jester around the house with all her antics. Bailey and the cats still don’t get why I brought home a Great Dane but they’ll adjust in time… I had a professional picture taken of Roo at 5 months I’d like to send you but I can’t find your address. Could you send it to me? Well you take care and say HEY to Jasmine for me.. Kris and Jess 3/23/07 *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Hi Roger! Wanted to update you on our pup, Roo, she’s great, doing great and a wonderful addition to our family. I’m so happy we decided to get her! I forgot what it’s like having a baby in the house though! But she is very intelligent and catches on fast. She probably thinks her name is “NO”. She likes to debate when I tell her NO but I always win with kisses and hugs from her. Jess named her Rory from Gillmore Girls show I just call her “baby”, don’t tell Jess : ) She really missed her mom and brothers and sisters at first she cried and howled for hours when left alone. She sleeps with me now ) : I know I know they say don’t start that but she spoons very nicely and doesn’t howl anymore. She is growing soooo fast! We got her at 8 wks and 12 lb. then I swear 9 days later she grew over night I’m guessing she’s about 20 lb now at 10 wks. her paws have doubled in size! WoW! She loves soft squeaky toys and hooves to chew on. Her favorite is her tennis ball though she loves to play catch and she brings it back every time for me to throw again and again. Has learned to sit also. Potty training is going great! Thank goodness, that and chewing all my furniture were my biggest worries. She’s had her moments with my plants but has them all trimmed up nicely now. She goes out side to potty for the most part. We watch for the signs and just do it after a nap and in the morning and before bed at night. When she does go in the house it’s 90% of the time on the paper. I think two or three more weeks and we’ll have it mastered. Thank you Roger for a wonderful well adjusted dog. Your love and care of your animals really comes out in Rory Roo. I have some great pictures I need to pull off my camera I’ll send them soon. Thanks, Kris, Jessie and Rory (baby) St. Charles, MO. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Subject : Rorys Brother Hey Roger! How are things? looks like your busy with lots of puppies as usual. Guess what? I ran into one of your pups. I just dropped Jess off at school and was driving away through the subdivision when I saw a guy walking his Dane pup. The face and eyes looked so much like Rory’s I had to stop and ask him about his beautiful dog. Keep in mind that I’m near the high school and cars and buses are all going around me but we talked for just a few minutes and realized we had you in common. I can’t remember his name he lives on Krinkel st. here in st Charles though and his dogs name was something that started with an “M” and I think he said he was 3 1/2 months old. He suggested we get the dogs together but I didn’t get enough info from him for that because I had to get out of the way of traffic. If you know who I’m talking about please give him my E-Mail address. He said he calls you on the phone all the time. I sure would appreciate it Roger thanks. Rory is doing great by the way. I tell ya Great Danes are a very unique animal from the bouncing to the ploping to the curiosity about everything she is like no shepered or collie I’ve ever had. I found danesonline.com before I got Rory I see all the personality in the pictures now in Rory that I didn’t catch before I got her. She is so cool! I could see me getting another someday but I think 2 dogs, 2 cats a rat, a fish and a teenager who now it all is enough for now! Well I will talk to ya later off to work I go… someone has to feed all these things. Thanks again, Kris St. Charles, MO. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Subject: Testimonial! Roger/Tammy, *(Tammy played mid-wife to a Jan litter while I went on vacation in the Philippines) We just wanted to drop a note (and a picture) to you to let you know how well Peyton is doing. We decided to keep the βcode nameβ Tammy had given her. It fits so well! Not only is she extremely beautiful with perfect markings, but she is SO smart! Can you believe at 8 weeks old, sheβs already going to the door to be let outside to go potty?? We feel blessed and extremely lucky to have gotten her. She is being spoiled rotten and we wouldnβt have her any other way! Thanks so much for the newest addition to our family. Terry, Kim, Cliff, Victoria and Peyton Plunkett 7:49 PM 3/20/07Kimmie *(Peyton’s entire litter were named during the Super-bowl 2007)
Hi Roger, I just wanted to let you know how well Jordis (brindle female) was doing. I was very skeptical of getting a large dog, considering that my dogs weigh no more than 4 pounds. My fiancΓ© had grown up with shepards and a wolf/ shepard. He longed for a large dog for our house, because he thinks my little dogs are little rats. He wanted my son to have a larger companion. I wanted a standard poodle, but after talking to you realized a great dane was for me. I went behind my fiancΓ©’s back and surprised him with Jordis, my “little” girl. He fell in love with her instantly. Our house is not a home without her. She never messes in our house, she doesn’t pick on my smaller dogs, and her best friend is my little weenie dog. She lays down while Ryder lays under her head chewing on her neck and face. When we go outside to play, I pat my chest and she jumps up parallel to me and gives me a dane hug. Her arms wrap around my neck, and she burries her head in my neck. My neighbors laugh because she is much taller than I am on her hind legs, and it looks like I am hugging a monster. The only problem with her is that she thinks of herself as a lap dog, which I LOVE but house guests don’t. All I have to say is Jordis get down, and she parks her butt on the couch right beside them sitting in on conversation. She lives to love, and loves my son and my small dogs especially. My Chihuahua rules over her every day. If Frito growls at her she cowers down like he is the devil. I love to watch her interactions with everything. She is so smart and I am never going to buy any other dog besides a Great Dane again! She is perfect. Sydney 11/13/2006 12:28:26 PM
Hello Roger, Sorry it took so long to send you a note! The puppy is doing great! He was a bit unsure for the ride home (a LONG one) but by the time we were almost home, he was walking on the leash pretty well. Took him a day or two to settle in, but has made friends and loves to play tug of war with one of my other dogs. He is very friendly and never meets a stranger. Terri Gordon – Colorado Hi Roger, It was nice meeting you and all your “kids” WE made it home fine. IT was late when we did finally get home. The puppy was an angel. He was so good, you didn’t even know he was there! Terri Gordon – Colorado Hi Roger, Thanks so much for the directions and motel lists!! It looks like I won’t be able to leave until Saturday, late afternoon. I plan to pick the puppy up on Sunday, whatever time we get there. I hate to wait, but I really want my son to be able to come with me. I am going to send the cashier’s check express mail tomorrow, you will have it Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. I will email you the tracking number as soon as I have it! Terri Gordon – Colorado
Roger It was good talking with you, and I’m glad that your Danes are doing well. I no that I am very happy with Hercules, and would not get rid of him for the world. A person could not ask for a better friend, and it does not matter how bad of a day you had he is always waiting at the door with with his tail wagging. Thank you for such a wonderful friend. Thank you Jessie Morgan (Texas)
Hi Roger…… I am sorry it took so long to finally get a chance to sit down and write you. I got both your calls but I just wasn’t in the right place or the right time to talk. “Daphne” is doing great. Seems like she has already grown so much in one week!! She has a great personality and is playing very well with a couple of dogs around the neighborhood. She has really taken to sleeping in the bed at night (practically takes up the whole thing by the time she gets comfortable) we laugh about it until we fall asleep. She is eating in the morning and at night. And already whines when she knows she needs to get outside to go to bathroom. She hasn’t quite figured out where the doors are yet, but she is close. She follows my daughter around everywhere she goes, which is exactly what I was hoping for! I will try to keep you posted as she grows, in a timely fashion! Thanks! Melanie Elsberry, MO
Roger, Blackie is now named “Libby”. She is a doll and has yet to have an accident in the house. We are supervising her closely and feel that she will be housebroke in a week or two. She already response to “you want to go outside”. She slept in the bed with us and just loves to cuddle. I think she thinks that she has a little yorkie in her because she wants to be a lap dog! Thanks again and we’ll keep you posted on her. I attached a pic of her in the house. Denny, St. Louis, MO. *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Puppy Master… I apologize for not getting back to you sooner…I have been on the “Tread Mill of Life” and somebody put it in high gear. I am currently in New Jersey working on a circuit upgrade and I will be returning home late tonight. Malachi is doing well… He thinks that he is a chewing machine at the current moment. Also, I need to make time to clip his razors…I mean nails to try to keep him from drawing any more blood than he has. The cats are displaying 2 different responses. The older cat is basically trying to stay away from him but is not as P.O.’ed that he is in the house as he was with Goliath. The second hasn’t decided if he wants to play with him or not. He doesn’t necessarily run away but he definitely is concerned about the size of this new creature. Not to mention that the dog looks a lot like a cat when he sees the smaller cat. He takes a step waits for approximately 45 seconds then slowly takes the next and continues this until the cat gets too uncomfortable and takes off…then the chase is on. The cat looking for a place to feel more at ease, the dog thinking it’s time to play and off they go. How is the rest of the litter doing??? Sean… Maryland
Roger, Malachi is all BOY. He is into everything. I now charge the kids 10 cents every time I have to pull out a stuffed animal or a shoe from his mouth. He loves to ride in the car and will go on any adventure. Today he was helping dig dirt. He does love the task. We are building new gardens around the house and he loves to dig in the dirt. He has the best personality and is doing well. The worst animal we have is a cat and he will chase the younger one, but he is afraid of the older one. He is so cute. It is hard to tell him to βleave itβ when he looks so cute just holding it. He is getting very large. We have him on the same food that you did. I found it at Walmart and he had no stomach upset. I can definitely say he is a great dog and you did a wonderful job with the breeding. I will send more pictures next week. We are going out of town this weekend. Have a great day. Sandy, Maryland
Hey Puppy Master, It has been a whileβ¦too much still going on here. Malachi is still doing well. He is approx about waist high, maybe higher, at the top of the head and I want to say approximately 90-100 lbs, possibly more. Sandy would know more of the specifics. Very good disposition stillβ¦he is working on his defiant stage, Teenagers β What do you expect ! ! !, but all in allβ¦he is not all that bad. Loves to dig in the garden and drink out of the fountain. Cars are not as interesting as before, but they still offer a challenge from time to time. The kids get upset on occasion when Malachi sits on them, wanting to use them as a piece of furniture or a lumpy bean-bag chair. And, most anybody is a possible human napkin. I need to send my Digital Camera off to be fixedβ¦once I get it back I will send a couple of pictures. Seanβ¦
Hi Roger, I just wanted to let you know we had the best trip back! He was soooo good, of course he was held the whole way!!! Also, I couldn’t wait… Doug LOVES Winston I knew he would be surprised but he cried for 20 min. before he said a word. He loves him so much. He is such a perfect addition. He did great last night too, we made his bed beside ours and slept all night. He woke at 2 with a little whimper and went right back to sleep. He is great and we love him. I cant thank you enough for caring and raising such wonderful pets!! I will send you pictures soon! Thanks Again!! Julie Hi Roger, We are doing great!! Winston is everything we wanted! He weighs 92 lbs. and is a big baby…… he loves to play but he also loves to be loved!!! He seems to be getting braver and braver as the days pass. He ventures further and is becoming more inquisitive. We are having a bit of a trial with him wanting to nip and chew EVERYTHING, including us …. he has alot of energy and Im not sure if this is an outlet for the energy?? Other than that, he has a beautiful muzzle and coat. The Vet has given him thumbs up each time we have gone and was impressed with the girth he has. A couple weeks ago I gave a man your telephone #. I will let him know you have a litter. Thanks for touching base and I will Email you pictures soon! Julie, St. Louis
What a great web site no wonder it made 2006 puppy web site of the year. There is so much great information and cute pictures. I love the movie clips of the puppies they are just so adorable. Jasmin 6/29/2006 11:23:04 PM
Subject: great dane puppies I was just wondering how much you charge per puppy? I’ve been thinking of getting a great dane: I was just trying to get a cost estimate of this type of dog. My mother lives right down the road from you , and that’s how I knew how to contact you. please e-mail me back at heather@XXXX.com Pleasant Hope/Springfield MO.
Subject: My puppy Roger, Hey how are the puppies doing. I would like to know if it would be possible to pick the puppy up a week from today. The oldest is working that weekend, and she would like to be with me when I pick him up. We are extremely excited and can’t wait to bring the little fella home. Please email me with your answer. If he won’t be ready we’ll understand, let me know when he can come home. Thanks. Lynne Marshfield, MO.
Hi, Hope your weekend was good! Just looking at the website and the great pictures of the dogs!! Here is my e-mail so you can send me directions. I’ll call you as soon as maggie comes into heat. Thank You, Andrea, Marshal, MO.
Hi Roger, how are you doing? I am doing alright! That is cool that you take your dogs places with you! We don’t have a pets mart or anything like that here in Minot it is a small town …there isn’t to much to do around here! Oh well we will be here for awhile longer! If you have any pictures of this male could you send them to me? That would be awesome if you could! Thanks for getting back to me I appreciate it!! Tamara, North Dakota-Minot AFB I always visit your website to see what is new and to look at your dogs! I think you have a lot of great looking animals! I spoke with you last summer about one of your females that you had I want to say her name was daisy but I never got back to you because I HAD LOST your number. Well if you would like to speak with me on the phone I am usually up and wondering around in the mornings about 9:30. My phone number is 701 XXX-XXXX. Well once again thanks for getting back to me I appreciate it! Have a good night! Tamara, North Dakota-Minot AFB
Howdy Roger how’s it going? I am doing well today! Well I talked to my hubby and showed him the pup and he likes the pup too. So in other words I will be visiting you this Friday. I am going to leave to head down to Missouri Thursday night and get down there sometime Friday I will have my cell on me so I will be able to call you when I am close Well I will give you a call and let you know when I am leaving and what not! So I will talk to you soon and see you soon! Thanks Tami Hey Roger how’s it goin? We are all doing fine! Well first off we named our new guy Brutus! We at first couldn’t figure out an appropriate name for him, so we got to thinking about it and because he was already so big when we got him we named him Brutus. He is a wonderful big boy. We love him to death. He gets along with out other dogs extremely well. He has brought one of our other dogs out of his shell so that is cool! House breaking hasn’t worked so far I guess because everything is still frozen up here so smells are different, so that has been difficult. Now as far as socialization he is a big goober. He loves to play with all the other dogs when I take him to the dog park. He is so funny because he doesn’t realize how big he is sometimes and he is soooo clumsy! Brutus is about 9 months now and he is taller than my other danes who are a year old and one that is over 3 years old. He is going to be huge so the name fits because he is a Brut!! I would definitely buy another dog from you in the future! I would definitely recommend others to buy a pup from you also. Well take care and I will send you pictures soon! Tami, North Dakota-Minot AFB *(See Clients’ Photos Page).
Roger, Mandy is doing great. she is getting adjusted to all of of us and is doing great so far with her training. Although she is still very skittish. but she is doing a lot better. just wanted to tell u her and the pig don’t play together because for one the pig doesn’t like to play at all. But the main reason is is because Mandy is afraid of her and wont go very close to her. so I’m afraid we wont be able to send u pictures of her and the pig playing together. but anyways mandy is doing great and she is a very good and well behaved dog. Thanks, Michelle, Colorado
Roger, thanks for the fast reply. I do not have the plans of breeding or showing Ella. She is to be a play companion for my harlequin male. I had hoped that you would had way to contact the original purchasers to see if she had been spayed or shot records. She does have a small rough spot 2″ long on her stomach where it may have done but it is very hard to see you can only feel it. The behavioral problems they were talking about have yet to be seen. She seem to be a typical Dane puppy with a lot of energy. With the quality of dogs you are known for producing I would have found it hard to believe she is so dysfunctional. If you would have seen where she was at I got her you would understand why I took her home with me. She was chained with about 6′ of run to the porch with no doghouse or shelter just an old blanket on the ground. The chain was tangled and she was walking in her own poop. I would have taken her no matter what just to get her away from the other breeders. Even their other breeding dogs were not being very well taken care of. They were chained with very similar conditions. Any information about this dog would be greatly appreciated thanks, Shawn, St. Louis, MO.
Hey Roger, Ella is doing great she is about 30″ to 31″ tall and 91 lb. not to shabby for the runt of the litter. She is now papered and has a good personality not a biter like she was made out to be. She is a little shy around some strangers but, she has my 150 LB male Dane to do introductions and make sure that everyone is OK to go around. She is a clown, and everything is a game so, we play as much as possible. thanks for the interest, Shawn, St. Louis, MO.
Subject : Ella Hey Roger, This is Mary, my boyfriend Shawn and our two great danes Jake and Ella recently visited you. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to talk to us and let us visit with you, the horse, and Ella’s other family. It was great I really enjoyed it. It was interesting to see the other dogs. I tell people the pictures don’t do justice to your dogs. Their coloring is fantastic, they look healthy, happy, and big. I used to volunteer for a local rescue group and have seen quite a few danes. Yours are exceptional. If you have someone in the St. Louis area interested in one of your dogs, I’d be happy to talk to them. I’m not that great with the computer so I’ll try to send you some pictures of Ella through the mail. Hope all is well in your corner of the world. Mary Our email address is shwwinslow@XXXXXXXcom and home # (636)274-XXXX, St. Louis, MO.
Subject : Brindle Baby : Charlie Hi Roger, This is Amanda XXXXXXXX writing you. I’m sorry I haven’t kept you up to date on Charlie, the puppy my husband and I bought from you. As you know we made the 13 hour drive from Wisconsin to pick him up. He has been a perfect addition to our home, ever since we brought him home. He is our ‘baby’ and everyone refers to him as if he was our child. He has an amazing temperament and has become very vocal of late. In the beginning, I was worried because he was so laid back and friendly. I felt like he wouldn’t be a very good protector, but as he’s getting older, and bigger, he has become more confident. He barks at strangers, but not in a threatening way. He would never bite anyone, but he lets them know he’s there and he sees them. He’s ‘woof’s’ quite a bit, as well. We love him so much, and he is such a huge part of our lives. He also loves us beyond belief. We can’t go anywhere in the house without him following, and when we come home, even if we’ve only been gone a couple of minutes, he is so excited to see us he is quivering and whining. We are also impressed with how quickly he learned and picked up on things. He was almost immediately potty trained and knows a lot of tricks. He walks so well on a leash and we can let him run around in the park and at the dog park without worrying about him running away or not listening. My husband and I love Charlie so much! Thanks so much for your time. Amanda, Wisconsin
My husband and I are looking for a fawn colored female. You puppies are so cute. We have a black male named Cooper about 7mo old. We are looking to add another dane to our family. I was wondering if you would take payments and if you so do you deal with shipping at all. We live in Wisconsin. Please let me know. Justin & Fritzi,Wisconsin
Good Morning! Wow. I can’t tell you how great it is having found your ad in the Chicago Trib today (being mom’s day and all). My husband and I spent some time just looking at all the neat links and pics. Thank you. We currently have a 3 yr old Boxer, 92# & her ears aren’t cropped either, named Tessa, having had lost our other dog to the complications of old age earlier this year. It has been hard, but I think we are ready to move on (besides, it is way too quiet around here now). I am looking for another female, but really would only want a friend-in other words, no showing or breeding. Do you have any pups currently, or coming up, that would potentially fit with us? I know you say to call, but when is the best time to do that? Thank you again, Terry OlmsXXXX Freeport, Il. wemotko@XXXXXXXXXXXX.com
Thank you for offering your assistance. I breed german shepherds part-time. I am a vet tech. Ii just recently bought a female from this lady, and the dog is gorgeous, and so sweet. she is terrified of everything. every little noise, everyone except me, and my dad. she is even scared of my daughter whose has been around a lot, and tried to have contact w/ her. Ii ask the lady if she if anyone has ever abused her which obviously they have. Ii found out later, that this lady has a puppy mill! she currently has 38 dogs 4 sale on live deals, and their all different breeds. I had NO idea!!! its so sad, and just really upsets me! does the humane society oppose this type of thing? there is this one dude from Cave City, KY also that breeds german shepherds, and he is on live deals too! he breeds at like 1 year old, every heat cycle, breeds until they can’t regardless of age. he know NOTHING about the breed itself, or dogs in general! it is appalling! i just wish there is something that could be done when animals are neglected, and abused like this! he also has his puppies on tie-outs, and calls it “tie-out training” !! ANYWAY, I always am thrilled when Ii see people that actually deserve the animals they have!!! thanks, Kimberly XXXX Lyons, Kentucky
Hello, I have been admiring your brindle puppies and was wondering about the pricing? I would also probably have to have them flown to the nearest airport because I believe you are quite a distance from me. I seem to remember somewhere that you were. At this time I have not decided about female or male so please let me know about both. I’m am not looking for show dogs. I do want the dog to be correct and to standard but it will be just a member of the family not going to shows. I live in MA and the nearest airports are in Hartford CT and Boston MA. If you are within a few hours travel I would like to come see them, but I do believe you are many states away and with a 5 year old travel at this time is too much. We currently have a Newfoundland dog which is a gentle loving bear and gets along with anything. Does the Great Danes have the same temperament, or would it have problems with another dog? Thanks for all your time and thanks for having me on your email. I love the pictures and your site is great Sincerely; Wesley and Linda, Mass.