At GreatDane4U
At GreatDanes4U we try to raise the best Socialized and Personalized children for adoption into loving homes as couch potatoes. Fawn and Brindle Great Dane Parents are 5-Generation Color Pure Fawn, Brindle Farm Raised Great Dane for better puppies compared to Kennel dogs. We strive to put as much into our babies to provide the best family members compared to those who market CHEAP animals most puppy purchasers would be wise not to settle for! Learn about Medications many breeders do not provide to sell cheap puppies, (how sad to be so cheap)! AKC Standards are noted for reasons – see also Color Purity. As a result of interaction with the horses and animals as well as other activities on our place, we feel these interactions, and more contributes to the puppies healthy emotional state of mind. Observe their environment, knowing that the pups first few weeks are as important as the first few years are for humans, for the dog’s Psychological Health. Know MoreFawn Great Dane & Brindle Great Dane Puppies
Intestinal parasites have been around forever and are not going away – which means you need to manage them out of your pet. Parasites don’t want to kill your kitten or puppy, they just want to use their resources for their next meal. However, they don’t mind dragging pets down, causing rough hair coats or anemia in the process! We want to feed our pets – not the parasites – the best nutrition. That is why we deworm. Don’t wait until you are sure your pet has parasites – they have already caused damage at this point. Strategic deworming means getting your pet dewormed before they have tissue damage and start showing signs. Puppies & Kittens: The goal is to clear the parasites during the growth phase of their life, when they are most susceptible. Deworm at 2-4-6-8 weeks of age, then again at 12-16 weeks of age. You can then move to 6 months and 1 year, then deworming as an adult.ABC’s of Dog Vaccines:
The leading cause of death in dogs, distemper is a contagious disease of the intestinal tract & respiratory system, and it eventually spreads to the brain. There is no treatment for distemper, but supportive therapy can help some side effects.
There are two strains of adenovirus: hepatitis (type 1), which is a disease of the liver, and respiratory (type 2), which can contribute to kennel cough. Adenovirus type 2 is used to make vaccines, and it protects against both strains.
This respiratory disease is one of the culprits of canine bronchitis, or kennel cough, which causes a dry hacking cough that can last for weeks. Parainfluenza is easily spread, especially when dogs are in close confinement.
This is a highly contagious disease of the intestinal tract. It also progresses quickly, so death is very common. There is no direct treatment for parvo, but supportive therapy may help some of the side effects.
Puppies are at the greatest risk for this intestinal disease, which causes severe diarrhea and sometimes death. As with other viruses, there is no specific treatment, but supportive therapy can alleviate the side effects.
A bacterial disease in the liver and kidneys. There are four prominent subtypes (or serovars) of lepto, and one serovar will not cover the rest. Some vaccines protect against the two most common serovars, others protect against all four.