Home of Fawn, Brindle & Black Great Danes
Pretty-Kitty is 5-generation Color Pure
We lost Pretty-Kitty due to bloat 1-week after birthing July 2013 litter.
Pretty-Kitty in her new pen at 7 1/2 months with Whoop-See Daisy
2010 Jan 1st
Get off my Dog House
We are cool
2010 Jan 1st
Pretty-Kitty Credits
Pretty-Kitty is AKC Full Registration #: WS37487608 Cert Issued July 4, 2011
Pretty-Kitty is APRI # is: L11-AZ-BC-31778T issued 12 Dec 2011
Pretty-Kitty is Co-Registered with APRI as well as the AKC
Pretty-Kitty‘s Mom “Foxy-Roxy” was Retired to Rogersville, MO. with a nice family, just after 3 1/2 years due to a ruptured uterus during her last litter’s birthing.
I did keep #1 Brindle female “Pretty-Kitty” for Breeding. The Shavers from Webb City has #2 Brindle Female for possible breeding & show.
The blood line will not end with Foxy-Roxy! Foxy-Roxy’s final litter bred by Romeo with 53 Champions in his bloodline!
Pretty-Kitty’s Dad is Romeo with 53 Champions in his bloodline!
Big Head
Romeo is a Meaty Good looking Stud!
Big Head
Romeo’s AKC DNA Profile #: V578929
Romeo’s DNA Certificate
DNA Explanation
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DNA Explanation
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Romeo’s All-Fawn Color-Pure Pedigree
Romeo’s AKC Full Registration #: WS28520202
Romeo’s AKC Microchip #: 0006C8061B
Pretty-Kitty‘s Grand-Ma on Foxy-Roxy‘s side: Rokin Robin had 84 Champions in her 5-generation Color-Pure pedigree suffered from Intestinal Torsion (Bloat) at less than 3 years of age and died!
Foxy-Roxy is from Rokin Robin’s second litter, Sired by Tiger, (see Tiger‘s credentials). Check out Rokin Robin’s parent’s 5-generation color-pure pedigrees with all the champions listed in RED on Foxy Roxy’s page!
Your Vet can prevent Bloat by simply “Tacking the Intestines”, to the rib cage. It is recommended to be done when you Spay or Neuter your beloved animal, (see Bloat article).
oxy-Roxy watches over RJ while I care for Roxy’s pups, (PrettyKitty & littermates), in the Garden Room
RJ & Foxy-Roxy
RJ & Foxy-Roxy
RJ & Foxy-Roxy
RJ & Foxy-Roxy
RJ & Foxy-Roxy
Happy Foxy Roxy
Notice the ORANGE
Notice the ORANGE
Notice the ORANGE
What a sweetheart
Good Guard dog
Foxy-Roxy a 6-Generation Color Pure Light or Reverse Brindle Great Dane.
Foxy-Roxy a 6-Generation Color Pure Great Dane’s Pedigree.
Foxy-Roxy a Brindle Female Great Dane is Micro-chipped.
Foxy-Roxy as a Momma dog
Photos below are of Foxy Roxy’s Mom, (Rokin Robin). *Pretty-Kitty’s Grand Mom*
Rokin Robin is on a Trolley
Rokin Robin is jumping like pop corn
Rokin Robin is jumping like pop corn
Rokin Robin has Botched ears
Tiger wants Rokin Robin
Rokin Robin a wonderful Brindle
Tiger is Horny!
Rokin Robin’s Mom’s 5-generation Color-Pure Pedigree
* Champions are in RED
Rokin Robin’s Dad’s 5-generation Color-Pure Pedigree
* Champions are in RED