Nabilia has retired to a quiet home in St. Louis, MO.
Check out the Championship pedigrees in her lineage!
Nabilia is Mom to Kitty and Tiger, her 1st litter.
Nabilia is Mom to Lumpy Sunshine & Blackie the Black-Noser, her 2nd litter.
Nabilia is 4-generation color pure.
Nabilia nurses her 1st litter. Nabilia has had her hips checked.
Kitty and Tiger came out of this litter.
Kitty and Tiger came out of this litter.
Nabilia is skinny but not for long. Also Nabilia’s AKC Pedigree.
Nabilia by my feet has swallowed a very large watermelon!
Nabilia checks out the squirrels.
Nabilia is ready to pop any minute!
Nabilia is a very good looking Great Dane!
Nabila in the background waits for her daughter Kitty to come join her and Tiger
Nabilia is so mellow and reserved, what a sweetheart!
Nabilia can have her choice of large dog houses instead of where she was at.
Nabilia’s 3-Generation Color Pure Lineage.
Nabilia tries to become comfortable with 14 puppies about to pop.
There is no relief except to chill out on cool concrete!
Relief comes with her 1st litter.
Nabilia keeps pups warm with her breath and find solitude supervising her motherhood below her.
Nabilia’s DNA Profile
DNA Profile Information
5-Generation pedigrees with Championships in Lineage.
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Check this out!
Nabilia’s last litter, 19 March 2008 – now Retired to St. Louis, MO.